"Freely ye have received, freely give." -Matthew 10:8 [KJV]

Christ spake these words to His apostles. They had their commissions immediately from Him, to preach His everlasting gospel. Many of the clergy, who pretend to be their successors, cannot receive this saying. Their learned lumber (because unsanctified) cost them too much to be dispensed for nought. Free-grace truths they cannot give freely. They have not freely received them into their own hearts. Expect to receive nothing from such unconverted ministers. Pity them: pray for them. Avoid their errors: be courteous to their persons. Private Christians, as well as ministers, have freely received out of the fulness of Christ: therefore, O soul! you and I are concerned in these words. 

(1st.) What have we received? the free favour of God; in the rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. This comprehends all things from God: this includes all things in God. Have we repentance unto life? It is by His grace. Have we faith in, hope on, and love to Christ? All springs from the grace of Christ. Have we a new heart, spiritual affections, holy desires? The grace of God bestowed them. 

How? (2d.) Freely. Like the lilies of the field, which toil not, neither spin, to obtain their rich fragrance and beautiful tinge—the God of nature freely bestows both: so on us, He freely bestows the riches of His grace. Neither, by toil, could we perform conditions, nor by spinning fulfil terms, to entitle ourselves to it. We have freely received life from the dead; justification from condemnation: pardon from guilt; sanctification from unholiness; the assured hope of heaven from the dread of hell. O consider the rich and free bounty of the Giver; the misery and unworthiness of the receiver; and say, art thou not bound to obey His command. 

(3d.) Freely give—thyself, thy whole soul and body, gifts and abilities, time and talents to God, the justifier; to Jesus, the Redeemer; and to the Spirit, the Sanctifier. Freely give the hatred of thy heart to thy sins, the abhorrence of thy soul to Satan, contempt of thy spirit to a vain world, love to thy brethren in Christ, pity to thy fellow-sinners, good will to all men, and food to thine own soul daily, from Christ and the word of His grace. This is the sweet exercise of faith, through the power of the Spirit. Thus free grace operates upon new-born souls. “They gave their own selves unto the Lord” (II Corinthians 8:5.) O the power of this truth! “Christ gave Himself for our sins.” -Galatians 1:4


Lord, I am Thine, redeem’d by grace, 

I freely give myself to Thee: 

By pow’r divine I seek Thy face— 

How matchless is Thy love to me: 

Let free-grace love be all my boast, 

For worth and worthiness I’ve none: 

I feel that operates the most, 

To love the Lord for all He’s done.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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