Realize the Objects of Faith

"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen." -II Corinthians 4:18 [KJV]

His was the blessed plan of old testament believers, under present exercises—; to look off from the objects of sight, and to substantiate and realize the objects of faith. They saw "the day of Christ afar off;" and in that view, "rejoiced and were glad." By this means they brought into present enjoyment things which—were distant; their faith acting like those glasses which magnify and bring home whatever is remote, as though it were nigh. Now, my soul, take instruction from those eminent worthies of the old testament school, that "through patience and comfort of the scriptures, thou also mayest have hope." By virtue of thine interest in Jesus, thou hast a large property in the world to come. If Christ be thine, all is thine. And certainly it is an extensive domain which thou hast in Christ's bond promises, and God's covenant securities: yea, thy right is confirmed beyond all earthly charters whatever. God thy Father hath promised and confirmed the whole with an oath; Jesus hath written, as well as bought it with His blood; and God the Holy Ghost, hath sealed it with the great seal of heaven.

Now whenever thou art at any time put to it, by reason of difficulties and exercises below; look off from all those things which are but temporal, and take a view of those which are eternal. And while thou lookest upon them as thine own, with a sure right of a reversionary interest after the death of an old life, which is consuming daily, enter by faith upon the enjoyment of them now. Do as men of the world do by their estates and their property: the husbandman values his crops; and counts up what the harvest, when it comes, will bring in; whereas he may be disappointed with a blasting, or mildew, or storms, or canker-worms: but no such events can happen to thee. The merchantman will borrow money upon the credit of his ships returning from a foreign market; notwithstanding many peradventures are between him and his vessels' return but this is not thy case. Thine inheritance is certain, perfect, sure. Hence, therefore, live by present faith upon the enjoyment of it, and thou wilt find that this is the grand secret of all the happiness of life.

This is what the apostle declared to be the profitableness of being godly; for it "hath the promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to cone." So that if men oppress thee, devils tempt thee, the plague of thine own heart be daily making thy pilgrimage troublesome; turn from the things which are seen, and feast upon those to which thou art hastening, which are not seen and, like those valiant heroes gone before, "take joyfully the spoiling of thy goods, knowing that in heaven thou hast a better and an enduring substance." For if the Lord break up thine housekeeping, and remove thy furniture from thee, he will shortly take thee home to His own house: and if He cause thy bed to be taken from under thee, it will be no loss to exchange it for Jesus's bosom. This is the cause why the old saints fainted not. Lord Jesus! give me the same Spirit!


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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