"Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began." -I Timothy 1:9 [KJV]

Have you any testimony that God has called you by His grace, quickened your soul into divine life, brought you under the curse of a condemning law, given you repentance for your sins, raised up a sigh and a cry in your breast for a sense of His pardoning love, brought you to the footstool of mercy, given you faith to believe in His dear Son, with any sweet hope that He has begun a gracious work upon your heart? Can you look back upon any never-to-beforgotten period when the Lord, by His special and omnipotent grace, quickened your soul into divine life? 

For I do believe we never can forget the first sensations of the Spirit of God in His quickening movements upon the soul; when He, to use the figure of Moses, fluttereth over it as an eagle which stirreth up her nest, infusing and communicating a new and heavenly life, as when in creation He moved upon the face of the waters communicating life and energy to dead chaos.

Surely if we ever felt the mighty hand of the Lord upon us, we can never forget the memorable time when He was first pleased to communicate divine light and life to our dead souls, to pour out upon us the spirit of grace and of supplications, to separate us from the world, to bring us to His feet with confessions and supplications, opening upland revealing eternal realities with a weight and a power that they entered into our deepest and most inward thoughts and feelings. 

Can you look back to such a time? Then God is for you; and if God is for you then you can, as He is pleased to strengthen your faith, look right through that blessed chain, with all its heavenly links, and see how He foreknew you before the foundation of the world, and wrote your name in the Book of Life.


-preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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