Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 13 October, 2024 A.D.

"What then?" -Romans 6:15 [KJV]

These short and frequent interrogations of Scripture are greatly to be prized. There is a vast deal contained in these questions: “What shall we say then? What then?” They are like the word Shibboleth, with which they tried the people of old; but they could not frame their mouths to pronounce it. They corrupted the word, and said, Sibboleth. So many at this day corrupt the word of the glorious doctrine of grace, by leaving out the H, holiness, which all the doctrines of the holy gospel are divinely calculated to promote. “What then?” comes most suitable after the precious doctrine of the justified saints of God, being kept by His power unto eternal salvation. 

“What then?” O! whenever you think of God’s everlasting love, and Christ’s finished salvation, and of glory being sure and certain to you, ask your heart, What then? Shall I continue in sin, because such unmerited love, grace, and mercy abounds to me? No. You will reject the thought with the utmost abhorrence, crying, in the fervour of faith and love, God forbid! 

For, (1st.) The soul will be kept alive to God. You will have sincere love to Him, His truths, His promises, and His commands. You will have a filial fear of offending Him, a godly jealousy for His honour and glory, and delight in His worship and service. All this naturally results from a lively faith in His Son Jesus Christ. Where this is not, all is not right within. There will be suspicions of your faith and hope.

(2d.) You will be dead to sin. You cannot live and walk under the power of it. You will be groaning under it; striving against it; aspiring after victory over it; longing for perfect freedom from it; looking to Jesus, and expecting it. 

(3d.) You will be dead to the world. You can no longer live after its vain customs and sinful manners, pleased with its sensual pleasures and carnal delights. You will put away all such childish fears, now you are a man in Christ. 

(4th.) You will live in love with the people of God, and have sweet fellowship with the brethren of Christ. These you will choose and delight in, as your companions and familiar friends. You will be perfectly agreed with the men of this world. They like not your company: you will avoid theirs. 

For, (5th.) your grand study and chief aim is, to keep up and walk in sweet fellowship with God the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, whatever tends to prevent the comfortable enjoyment of this, you will carefully avoid: what tends to promote this, you will diligently pursue. 


If God doth sinners ever love, 

And Christ has dy’d to save, what then? 

Our hearts and hopes should be above, 

And we should never sin again. 

Vouchsafe to keep me daily, Lord, 

In all the paths of holiness; 

Conform my life unto Thy Word, 

That peace and joy I may possess.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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