To Glorify the Lord Jesus

“The God of our fathers hath glorified His Son Jesus." -Acts 3:13 [KJV]

See, my soul, how every part and portion of scripture is directed to this one subject—to glorify the Lord Jesus. What is the very design of redemption but to glorify the Lord Jesus? What hath God constituted a church for, but to glorify the Lord Jesus? To what do all the precepts, promises, ordinances, sacrifices under the law, and institutions under the Gospel, minister, but to this one end — to glorify the Lord Jesus? 
Talk they of promises? Why, all the promises of God are "in Christ Jesus, yea and amen, to the glory of God the Father by us." Talk they of the law? "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." Talk they of commandments? “This is the commandment, that ye
believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God; and that
believing, ye might have life through His name."

—preacher Robert Hawker


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