"The apostles said unto the LORD, Increase our faith." -Luke 17:5 [KJV]

Natural men tauntingly say, “O! you don’t mind good works; faith is to do every thing for you.” Truly, faith is all; for it includes the object of faith—the Lord. For, indeed, faith has no existence without its object. 

Consider, (1st.) is it not a good work to forgive an offending brother? This is what our Lord here teaches. The apostles were made truly sensible, that they could not do this without faith; nay, not without the increase of faith. Therefore, they prayed for it. Real believers are created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained, that they should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10.) They are a peculiar people, zealous of good works (Titus 2:14.) Thus, they love to glorify their heavenly Father. 

(2d.) They know that all good works proceed from faith, and from the increase of faith. For Christ dwells in our hearts by faith (Ephesians 3:17.) This is the source and spring of all comfort, and every good work. Without this, what is life to a Christian? Verily, but an uncomfortable breathing, not worthy the name of life. Christ dwelling in the heart, constitutes heaven upon earth. Just as uncomfortable as this world would be, if the sun were blotted out of heaven, would the Christian be without the indwelling of Christ. How hast thou found thy soul, O Christian, this day? Hast thou found Christ in thee, the hope of glory? If not, it is for want of faith. If thou hast, dost thou not desire to enjoy more of it? It is to be had by the increase of faith. Pray for it. 

(3d.) Faith deadens the soul to the love of sin, and the love of this world. The increase of faith kills the love of both. “For this is the victory, even our faith” (1 John 5:4.) 

(4th.) Faith brings the prospect of heavenly glory into view. The increase of faith brings fuller assurance to the heart of our enjoyment of it—quickens our diligence in the way to it—excites ardent desires in our souls after the full fruition of it, that we may be absent from the body, and present with the Lord. 

(5th.) See Who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. Do you complain, that your faith is weak, and your corruptions strong? Remember, that dear Christ Who died for your sins, can strengthen your faith. Look unto Jesus. Cry unto Him to increase your faith; so shall your heart be happy, your life holy, and your soul strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. -II Timothy 2:1


Jesus! Thou Author of our faith, 

Increase its pow’r, we pray: 

O make us faithful unto death! 

Live in us every day. 

O’er all our lusts, and reas’ning pride, 

May precious faith prevail; 

Looking to Christ, and none beside— 

Our Christ within the vail.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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