"Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord." -John 20:20 [KJV]

 “Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun” (Ecclesiastes 11:7.) But, O how much more sweet and pleasant, to see the light, and behold the glory of the Sun of Righteousness! This inspires the heart with gladness. These disciples had lost their dear Lord, and mourned in darkness for His absence. Tongue cannot tell their inexpressible joy, at seeing Him again. Their sight was by the eye of sense: ours is by the eye of faith. Yet our sight is not less real than theirs: and it brings the same gladness to our hearts also. Therefore it is highly prized by us. For we can neither live comfortably, walk holily, nor die happily, without seeing the Lord Christ. 

For, (1st.) A sight of Christ by faith, brings peace to the conscience. There is ever a war within, between the flesh and the spirit: grace and nature: the old man and the new. The motion of sin in our members is ever warring against the law of holiness in our minds. Wicked nature is like the troubled sea which cannot rest. It is continually casting up mire and dirt. But the winds and waves of corrupt nature obey Christ. He says, peace, be still, and there is a great calm in the soul. For Christ is our peace. He hath made our peace with God by his blood. He makes and keeps peace in our souls by his presence. Our stubborn lusts will fight and reign, if Christ be absent from our hearts. Therefore we cannot but be glad when we see the Lord. 

(2d.) The sight of Him quells our doubts, and dispels our fears. Our poor hearts, seeing sin and all manner of evil dwelling in us, are ready to fear and doubt, whether we are the children of God, or not. But, O when we see the Saviour by faith, our consciences are satisfied: our minds are divinely assured, that Christ hath redeemed us to God by His blood: for we cry out, this is our Beloved and our Friend, in Whom we have redemption, even the forgiveness of our sins. We believe and are sure He is the Christ of God, the Saviour of sinners. 

(3d.) The sight of the Lord gives victory over death: opens the kingdom of heaven to our view, and gives us to see a smiling God and Father, ready to receive and embrace us. O most joyful sight! If so, O Christian, beware, beware of gratifying your sight with any vain, sinful, and carnal pleasures. These will draw away your sight, and take off the attention of your minds from looking unto Jesus, and prevent your gladness of heart, and joy of soul in, and from Him. “Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity.” -Psalm 119:37


A sight of Thee, my Saviour dear, 

Makes glad my mournful heart, 

Expels my doubts, brings heaven near, 

And sensual joys depart. 

Repeat Thy visits o’er and o’er, 

While in this vale I dwell, 

That I may view Thee ev’ry hour, 

Who sav’d my soul from hell.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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