Look For All Your Strength in CHRIST Alone

"For when I am weak, then am I strong." -II Corinthians 12:10 [KJV]

We have read of St. Paul’s revelations, exaltings, buffetings, and his praying: now of his humbling sight of himself. He is brought down to his right place, low in self; and to his right feelings, weak in self. Hence we see the true nature and blessed end of Christian experience. It keeps the soul from being puft up with pride, lest it fall into the condemnation of the devil. It sinks it low in humility: under a sense of weakness; and it leads out of self, to look for all its strength in Christ. Here the strength of faith is opposed to the weakness of sense. When I am sensibly weak, then I am believingly strong. This, though a difficult lesson, yet is a precious one. 

(1st.) Do we see ourselves weak? Christ is held forth to us as our strength, and He calls upon us to be strong in Him. “Trust in the Lord for ever, for in the LORD Jehovah is everlasting strength” (Isaiah 26:4.) But surely, folly is bound up in the heart of the weak. For instead of obeying, and trusting in Him, how many are saying, I am the weakest of the weak? I have no might, no power? You are the very person here addressed. You can get no strength but from the Lord. By trusting in the Lord, you will say, though weak, I am strong: I have everlasting strength. 

Again, (2d.) To encourage to this, the Lord commands, “Let the weak say, I am strong” (Joel 3:10.) Let them believe it in their hearts, and confess it with their lips. What! if they find no strength in themselves? Yes; it is a command to the weak: yea, to the weakest of the weak. Then this exactly suits you and me. 

Here again, (3d.) “Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, giveth power to the faint, and to them who have no might, He increaseth strength” (Isaiah 40:28-29.) Here we are rebuked and reproved. Faint, and have no might: this is our state. Have you never heard, nor known, how the Lord dealeth with such! O look up to Him. Though not sufficient of yourself to do any thing as of yourself, know your sufficiency is of the Lord. Though we can do nothing of ourselves, yet we can do all things through Christ, Who strengtheneth us (see Philippians 4:13.) 

How do we obtain strength from Christ? By believing His promises: going to Him in the faith of them, pleading them before Him, and praying Him to fulfil them in us. Thus we put our cause upon the strength of Christ’s truth. He is faithful. He cannot deny us. He will say, “According to your faith, be it unto you.” -Matthew 9:29


When frames are warm & comforts strong, 

O then we’re mighty great! 

Self is the hero of our song, 

Our weakness we forget. 

Then Jesus sends some humbling stroke, 

In love, to mar our pride; 

That we may glory of His work, 

And trust in nought beside.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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