"With clouds He covereth the light, and commandeth it not to shine, by the cloud that cometh betwixt." -Job 36:32 [KJV]

The sun, from its first formation by its almighty Creator, shines at all times alike. There never was, is, or ever can be, any addition to, or diminution from, its light and heat. But we perceive a sensible difference. Even the intervention of a cloud coming between us and the sun, hides and obscures the glorious rays of light from us. There are fixed laws in creation. All nature acts under the direction of those laws, prescribed by our all-wise Lord. 

As in nature, so in grace. As by the natural sun, so it is by the Sun of Righteousness: it shines with an equal degree of resplendent glory, of light, love, and grace at all times. But, we are not always alike sensible of it. Why not? As clouds and vapours arise from the earth, and interrupt the light of the natural sun, by coming between that and us; just so, the clouds of sin, the vapours of corruption, the thick fog of unbelief, which arise from our earthly carnal nature, come between us and the glorious Sun of Righteousness—so its light is obscured, its heat interposed, and its comforts prevented. 

Then our hearts are distressed, and our spirits dejected. The Lord hides His face, and we are troubled. Isaiah gives a very striking account of this: “The stars of heaven, and the constellations thereof, shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine” (Isaiah 13:10.) Hast thou not known somewhat of such a day of darkness and distress? My soul has mourned on account of it. But, methinks, I have found it sweet in experience, when Satan, or an unkind enemy, hath tried and strove to raise a dust, and bring a cloud over my mind—but all in vain. 

It is true, they have disturbed and perplexed; but they could bring nothing between the soul and Jesus, our glorious Sun of Righteousness. They have agitated the air, they have tried their efforts upon nature, but could raise no cloud of sin, no vapour of corruption. Jesus shone without a cloud. No intervening obscurity darkened the views of Him. Then, love reflected its strong and powerful rays: then, it was sweet. 

Well, a few more cloudy and sun-shiny days, and we shall be at home. But we have always this precious promise to support us. “Unto you that fear My name, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings.” -Malachi 4:2


Without Thy light and love, 

Dear Lord, what is this life? 

Thy precious beams dart from above, 

Or all is pain and strife. 

Let no preventing cloud 

Obscure Thy glorious face: 

Leave not my soul in darkness bow’d, 

Thou Sun of righteousness.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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