The LORD thy God is Mighty to Save & Deliver

"I am the LORD, I change not: therefore, ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." -Malachi 3:6 [KJV]

Religion without feeling is like a dead carcass. Feeling without truth, is only nature warmed by fancy. Those are the only precious feelings which are caused by the word of God. That is a joyful season, when we can say, “I rejoice at Thy word, as one that findeth great spoil” (Psalm 119:162.) Why such exceeding great joy? Because, the word of God testifies of the immutable nature, and unchangeable love, of a covenant God, to poor sinners. I am the Lord, Jehovah, Father, Son and Spirit. I change not. There’s the believer’s security from destruction. In this consists his safety, unto salvation. For alas! we are poor, changeable creatures. 

Now, our souls are strong in confidence, warm with love, joyful through hope, enlarged in prayer, with Christ in our view, and glory in our eye. Anon, a cloud arises in the horizon of our hearts— unbelief prevails—lust rages—corruptions roar—all nature is in ferment, and the soul in distress. Then, what has it to look to, for hope, and turn to, for comfort? an unchangeable God, Who is of one mind: with Whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning (see Job 23:13 & James 1:17.) A precious Jesus, Who is the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever (see Hebrews 13:8.) 

The LORD thy God, in the midst of thee, is mighty, He will save: He will joy over thee with joy: He will rest in His love: He will joy over thee with singing (Zephaniah 3:17.) The different frames and feelings which distress us, do not affect God, nor cause any change in His love to us. A changeable God, must be an unhappy being like ourselves. But God never changes in His love, purposes and grace to us. 

For, (1st.) He did not love us, choose us, and set His heart upon us, on account of what He saw in us: but as He viewed us in the Son of His love. We are unrighteous sinners in ourselves. But He sees in Christ an everlasting atonement for our sins, and an everlasting righteousness to justify us: therefore He is ever pleased with us in Christ: ever of one mind concerning us: ever rests in His love to us, and joy over us. No change in us, can ever affect His mind, His love, or His joy. 

Hence learn, Not to live upon your frames and feelings, nor upon any thing you are in yourself. Bless God for lively frames and comfortable feelings, but know, these are not Christ: they do not make you acceptable to God. 

But (2d.) Look to, and live upon, what you are in Christ. That is your glory. God so views and loves you. Look here, live here, and rejoice. 

So you will (3d.) be like God, of one mind unto Jesus, live upon Him, and walk to the glory of your God and Father in Him. God never changes in His love, As feeble men do think: To-day their souls He might approve, To-morrow let them sink.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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