The LORD of hosts is with us!

"Is the LORD among us or not?" -Exodus 17:7 [KJV]

A very awful question to proceed from the lips of any child of God. What was the cause of it? Why, the Lord tried their faith. That fails them: nature murmurs: the flesh wants gratification: they are athirst: they tempt the Lord: they chide Moses: he is in distress: he cries to the Lord, “What shall I do unto this people? they be ready to stone me.” Mr. Henry judiciously observes here, “They do in effect suppose, that Moses was an impostor: Aaron a deceiver: the pillar of cloud and fire a mere sham and illusion, which had imposed on their senses; that long series of miracles, which had saved, rescued, and fed them, a chain of cheats; and the promise of Canaan, a banter upon them. 

It was all so, if the Lord was not among them. Observe, it is a great provocation to God for us to question His presence, providence, or promise; especially for His people to do it, who are so much obliged to trust Him. Well might Moses call this place Massah and Meribah, that is, temptation and strife. Disciple, wast thou never at Massah and Meribah? Did you never tempt your God, by forgetting His past dealings of love and favour to you—passing over the sweet experiences of thy soul, in former days of light and liberty, peace and love, calling all in question, and ready to set all down as mere delusions? 

Hast thou not been ready to question whether the Lord is with thee or not? O if thou hast not, I know one who has, and with grief of soul testifies of it: with shame of face confesses it, and with humble prayer would cry, God be merciful to me a sinner! O how trying this to a God of patience! How dishonouring this to a God of love! But His patience fails not: his love never changes; his mercy endureth for ever. May this shame our unbelief. Again, wast thou never at Meribah? At the waters of strife? 

Hast thou not contended with the Lord’s prophets, as though they had invited thee from the land of nature, into the wilderness, to die for thirst after the waters of salvation? Hast not thou with the Psalmist, said in thy heart, “All men are liars?” (Psalm 116:11.) God has forgotten to be gracious. His promise is to come to an end for ever. 

I shall never see the light of the living. I know who can hold up his hand, and plead guilty. O let us rebuke ourselves for our unbelief: cry to the Lord for pardon, and to strengthen our faith. And instead of questioning, “Is the Lord among us or not?” Let us in faith confess, The LORD of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge. Psalm 46:7. 


Thou art, O Lord, my soul’s relief, 

Thou hast me bless’d with grace: 

Forgive my sins, my unbelief, 

Shew me Thy loving face. 

Thy patience, Lord, I oft have tried, 

But yet am out of hell: 

Where can I find such love beside, 

Matchless, unsearchable!


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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