O LORD, Lead and Guide Thy people


Our Father, guide Your children’s feet
Savior, protect Your wandering sheep
Protect Your ransomed, blood-bought flock
Be to our souls a shelt’ring Rock.
Protect us from a world of sin
From foes without and worse within
Protect us from the fiends of hell
But most, protect us from ourselves.
Break all our pride and vain conceit
Lord, lay us low before Your feet
Make us our wretched vileness know
Humble our hearts and lay us low.
Here we began, Here we must stay
If we would walk the narrow way
Sinners by nature, all undone
Our only hope is in God’s Son.
But what a blessed hope this is
Christ is the Lord our Righteousness
Washed in His sin-atoning blood
We stand perfect before our God!


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