Relying Upon the Power of The Omnipotent LORD JESUS

"Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine, to fight with him: for thou art but a youth; and he a man of war from his youth." -I Samuel 17:33 [KJV]

We frequently use the phrase, carnal reason. What do we mean by it? Just what Saul here used to David. It is the reason of the flesh: it consults the nature and appearance of things only: it judges of and determines events according to human probability entirely: it looks to no other or higher cause, than nature and sense. Now, had David listened to, and obeyed, this sort of reasoning, he would have brought no honour to his God, nor wrought deliverance for his people. 

But observe, O my soul! David opposed faith to this carnal reasoning, and by faith overcame it. There was not one word of the Lord in Saul’s mouth. But David introduced, “the Lord the deliverer.” Like St. Paul, “...he conferred not with flesh and blood” (Galatians 1:16.) But being valiant in faith, he overcame the gigantic foe, in the Name, relying upon the power of an omnipotent Lord, and thus he obtained a glorious victory. Most excellent lesson for us. Christian! ever consider your carnal reason as a home-bred enemy, a domestic foe, that opposes your Lord’s truth, with, How can these things be? 

It disputes your Lord’s commands, with, Hath the Lord forbidden this? Doth He require that? It dares cavil against the mysteries of grace and wants them to be explained to the judgment of carnal conception; or else exclaims, reject them as absurdities. How often has this enemy put you to the stand, when you should have followed your Lord? how often caused your hands to hang down, when they should have been lifted up to the Lord? how often caused you to lay aside the weapons of your warfare, when you should have fought the good fight of faith? Treat it as an enemy to your Lord’s glory, and your soul’s comfort. Refuse it audience. 

Remember, the antidote against it is, simple faith in divine love. This brings the enjoyment of God into the heart; engages His power in our defence; arms the soul with fortitude against every enemy, which carnal reason represents as too formidable to stand against. Yea, faith takes up this triumphant language: “More than conquerors, in all these things, through Christ Who hath loved us,” (Romans 8:37.) 

And boldly challenges, “Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect?” (verse 33.) 


O that little word Elect! 

How does carnal reason fight against it! 

My reason proud resists my faith, 

And often dejects my heart: 

Instead of trusting what God saith, 

Our souls at dangers start. 

This is a sin we should confess, 

And cry unto the Lord, 

With strength’ning faith our souls to bless, 

And courage from His word.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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