No Spot: Adorned With CHRIST's Perfect Righteousness

"Thou art all fair (beautiful in the Hebrew), My love; there is no spot in thee.” -Song of Solomon 4:7 [KJV]

There is no spot in the Church, because the blood of Jesus entirely obliterates each stain. Omniscience may look for sins, but no more can they be found. The absence of defect is the result of her being adorned with His perfect righteousness. In this no blemish can exist. Thus, she appears righteous, even as God is righteous.

This blessed truth must be held fast without obliterating the knowledge of our own constant and innumerable transgressions. It cannot be too often repeated, that in ourselves we are deformed and loathsome.

The most saintly of saints will ever breathe the prayer, "God be merciful to me a sinner." But Jesus says of His people, "You are all beautiful, My love; there is no spot in you."


-preacher Henry Law


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