Christ JESUS, The Author & Finisher of our Faith

Let all who name the name of Christ as witnesses before men be diligent and proactive that our dealings with others are just and honest, that our promises to others are true and well-intended, that our worship of God is devout and sincere, and that our lives before men are moral and blameless.

We know the heart and substance of our witness before men is the message and light of the Gospel of God’s free and sovereign grace in and by the Lord Jesus Christ. The means of our witness before men is the preaching of the Gospel, pointing sinners to Christ and His righteousness alone for salvation, not to ourselves or our works. 

Our prayer to God is for the salvation of sinners by His grace, not glory and esteem for ourselves from men. No one will be saved simply by looking at us. Salvation is by looking to Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
-unknown preacher


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