Call to Worship

 When Jesus died on Calv’ry, salvation’s work was done, Redemption was accomplished by God’s eternal Son;
Christ bore our sins and sorrows, He made them all His own,
And died to honor justice, our sin-debt to atone.

O what a wondrous Savior, O what a matchless Friend,
What love and great compassion which none can comprehend;
The Lord came down from glory, His very life He gave,
He died by God’s appointment our guilty souls to save.

With deepest gratitude Lord, we praise Thy gracious Name,
And thank Thee for Christ Jesus Who took our sin and blame;
O may we fully trust Him, may He within us dwell,
Who died to seal our pardon and save our souls from hell.


-sung to the hymn, The Church's One Foundation

Words by preacher Jim Byrd


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