A Mighty Change God's Grace makes! Take heed, friends...

"...of whom I am chief." -1 Timothy 1:15 [KJV]

What a mighty change does grace make! The apostle was once, in his own eyes, the chief of saints. If but two went to heaven, he had no doubt but he should be one. Now, he is really an eminent saint in Christ: he confesses himself the chief of sinners. Why so? Did he love sin, lie down and wallow in sin, and glory in sin? No, far from it: he was now saved from all his sins. Hence he sees the exceeding preciousness of Christ, his Saviour; the exceeding sinfulness of sin, which dwelt in him; and the infinite holiness, spirituality, and perfection of the law of God. 

Therefore, he makes this public declaration: not, I have been, but, I now am the chief of sinners. He, as it were, stands forth and challenges the whole race of sinners, and says, I will give place to no one: of all of you, I will be the first rate, and stand foremost in the rank. But is not this glorying in sin, which was his shame? Self-righteous hearts think so: they cannot understand it. When any sinner adopts St. Paul’s language, and says, “of sinners I am chief,” they ignorantly reply, There can be but one chief. Who then is that one? Why every one, who drinks into the same spirit with the apostle, has the same views of himself which he had. 

For, (1st.) They see sin, not only in its fruits, but as a root: not only in its actions, but as a nature, in which dwells no good thing. Such feel in their nature the vile lusts of the beast, and the cursed tempers of Satan. Though sin has not the dominion over them, yet sin dwells in them. When they look at their past sinful conduct, they take into view their present sinful nature also, and therefore rate themselves according to their views of themselves. They have done with self-admiration and self-justification. 'I am the chief of sinners. I see myself. I think, no one has so wicked a heart, and so bad a nature as I have.'

(2d.) Such from their hearts give glory to the holy, blessed Trinity. O, how is God the Father glorified for His everlasting love to such sinners! how is God the Son’s grace exalted, in dying to save them, living to fulfil the law for them! how is the Holy Spirit’s operations magnified, in convincing them of sin; bringing them to Christ, to be saved from sin; and sanctifying them, by the faith of Christ, over the power of sin! 

(3d.) Such, all such, and none but such, do cordially embrace and comfortably live upon this faithful saying, which is worthy of all acceptation, (with the deepest humility, and the most inflamed joy) “That Christ came into the world to save sinners.” Therefore, as they are not under the power of sin, so they are delivered from the pride of their own righteousness. A sinner’s righteousness! They are now ashamed, that they should ever be so arrogant and ignorant as to talk of it, trust in it, or expect to be justified by it, either in whole or in part. 


Transgressors of the deepest stain, 

In Christ salvation find, 

His blood removes the foulest guilt, 

His Spirit heals the mind.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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