Taken Away From the Present Evil...

"The righteous is taken away from the evil." -Isaiah 57:1 [KJV]

Why then do we not rejoice over the dead, who die in the Lord? Why do we, who profess to be in the Lord, fear to die? Death will be the funeral of all our evils, and the resurrection of all our comforts. Why then do we at all dread it? Why so reluctant to be taken from the many evils we suffer here? Why not rather be longing to be for ever with the Lord? Plainly, it is for want of faith. The point is not fully settled between our Saviour and our souls, whether we are His righteous members or not, and hence we do not walk closely and comfortably with Him, and then the fear of death prevails over us. 

A believer in Jesus, and a righteous person, are convertible terms. Every believer is a living member of Christ, united to, and one with Him. They are righteous as Christ is, as man and Mediator. His very righteousness is theirs. They are clothed with it, and stand perfectly righteous before God in it. Hence the Holy Spirit is given to us. He enables us to walk in the paths of righteousness, and to bring forth the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory of God (Philippians 1:11.) See the blessedness of the righteous. They are “taken away from the evil.” The Lord doth this for them, because He loves them. To come, is not in the original. They are taken from all present evil. 

(1st.) They are taken from an evil nature. This is the grief and burden of their righteous souls from day to day. But the death of the body shall quite destroy the body of sin and death. They shall drop this body, and wing their way to endless glory. 

(2d.) From the evil of sin. Though this did not reign over them, yet it raged in them. Though they were not under its dominion, yet it warred in their members, and made them cry out, O wretched! Sin brought death into the world. Death shall be the grave of sin. The righteous is not taken away in his sins, but from the evil of them. 

(3d.) From that evil of evils, unbelief. This now dishonours God, causes weak hands and dejected hearts. But in death we shall part with it for ever. 

(4th.) From all the evil of this present world. All pains, trials, afflictions, etc. from whatever cause, we shall for ever be delivered. This is the negative blessedness of the righteous. Who shall describe their positive happiness? It hath not entered into the heart of man to conceive, what the Lord hath prepared for them who love Him. This we must die fully to know. 


O love the Lord, all ye His saints. 

My Lord Who gave me righteousness, 

And makes me love His ways, 

With ev’ry good my soul will bless, 

Until I end my days. 

He soon will take my soul by death, 

From all my ills and strife: 

His arms will then be underneath, 

To raise me unto life.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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