"...then is the offence of the cross ceased." -Galatians 5:11 [KJV]

Another version reads the words as a question, Is the offence of the cross ceased? No, nor ever will, while there is a Christian upon the earth. The cross is put for that ever-loving Jesus, Who hung upon it as a curse for our souls, and an atonement for our sins. O let us be ever jealous of, zealous for, the glory of the cross, for the sake of the Lamb, Who finished our salvation upon it. The cross of Christ is the Christian’s glory. The offence the world takes at him, is a proof that he has taken up the cross of Christ, and is following Him. 

This no man can do faithfully, but he must give offence. Settle this well in your mind. Sit down and count your cost. Are you willing to be Christ’s glory, and the world’s scorn? Do you expect all from the cross? Then give up all for the cross. Here nature recoils. Flesh and blood rebels. Carnal reason pleads, that worldly prudence may be attended to. Look at such and such a professor, they go on very quietly: the world takes no offence at him. Why is it? They are either quite dead in sin, or fallen into a deep sleep of security. Converse with them. You will find no sweet savour of Jesus upon their tongue: no warm affection to Christ in their hearts: no burning zeal for His glory in their lives. 

Hence, as the offence of the cross is ceased with them, so the peace, comfort and joy of it is departed from them. For the truth of this, I dare appeal to my own, and every disciple’s heart. When was your soul most active for God: most filled with His love: enjoying most fellowship with Him, and peace and comfort in Him? Say, was it not when you lived nearest to the cross, and found most of the offence of the cross of Christ? You must confess it. Holy Paul seemed to dread the offence of the cross of Christ ceasing. 

He was jealous lest any should question it. Lord Jesus, hast Thou done so much in Thy holy life, and suffered so much by Thy precious death on the cross, for our soul’s eternal salvation, and shall we be ashamed of Thy cross? Shall we be afraid of confessing the faith of our hearts, and the hope of our souls in Thee, with our lips and in our lives? O forbid it! 

Never, never shall I forget my late dear, dear friend, Mr. Jones: with his usual warmth of affection to Christ, preaching upon the scandal of the cross, says he, “My dear friends, you who are afraid to lose your good name for Christ’s sake, I pity you from my heart. Thank God, mine is gone long ago.” “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of Jesus Christ.” -Galatians 6:14


I’ll glory in the cross of Christ, 

Tho’ men offended be; 

‘Tis thro’ His blood that I am blest, 

To all eternity. 

Say I am foolish, I am mad, 

If I Christ’s comforts prove, 

It ne’er shall make my spirit sad, 

I’ll triumph in His love.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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