Warning Message



Some people are under the impression that when they are out of town on the Lord’s Day, they ought to go to some sort of church regardless of what kind of preaching they might have to endure.  I have been asked what I do when I find myself in a locality where the gospel is not set forth.  On those rare occasions when I am not preaching on a Sunday and in an area where there is no one nearby who proclaims the message of sovereign grace, this is what I will not do.  

I will not go and hear a man preach “another gospel” which robs God of the glory of His free grace in the salvation of sinners.  I refuse to listen to any preacher who insists that God loves everybody, Jesus Christ died for everybody and the Holy Spirit is trying to save everybody.  I reject the idea that I ought to “go to church” even if it means I must sit under the ministry of a false prophet who instructs his hearers that their eternal destiny is dependent upon and controlled by their free-will.  

As long as I have somewhat of a sound mind, you will not find me listening to a man who believes that there are sinners in hell for whom Jesus has already endured God’s wrath and paid their price of redemption.  I will, instead, remain wherever it is that I am staying to read the Word, pray and rejoice privately in the gracious Savior of sinners, Jesus Christ, “Who of God is made unto me wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.”  

Permit me to draw a parallel using a far-fetched illustration.  I would always choose to remain at home and eat whatever is set before me with the full confidence that, though it might be a simple meal, it will be beneficial for me, rather than go out to a beautiful restaurant where I would be warmly greeted, led to my seat at a gorgeous, flower-adorned table and then have to dine upon, at worst, food poisoned by the chef with arsenic or, at best, a plate full of sand and gravel.




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