The Whole Armour of GOD

"Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all to stand." -Ephesians 6:13 [KJV]

St. Paul was an experienced veteran in the camp of Christ. He had been in many campaigns: fought many battles under the Captain of his salvation, against the combined enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil. He warns his fellow soldiers of their foes and dangers, by exhorting them to take, and put on, nothing less than the whole armour of God. The very same armour, which he himself fought in, is provided for us also. 

Blessed be God for that. So sure as Paul fought his way through, and safely arrived in glory, so shall we also, in this armour of God. O Christian, consider, this is not an armour of flesh and blood—not what is natural to man, or is in the power of man to provide for himself; but the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of the whole earth, hath provided it for all Christ’s soldiers. What is this armour of God? It is the Son of His love, the Lord Jesus Himself. 

He is the Christian’s whole and complete armour. In Christ alone he stands his ground, fights and conquers every enemy. Without Christ we can do nothing but faint and fly. Take this whole armour: put it on, saith St. Paul. Christ is yours. He is the gift of God to you. “Put on the Lord Jesus” (Romans 13:14.) Just as one puts on an armour for defence, so take, put on, arm your minds with the whole person of Christ, His love, righteousness, and atonement, all His offices, yea, the whole salvation of Christ. 

This, and nothing but this, what Christ is to us, and hath done for us, is proof against every enemy, in the evil day of battle. That ye may be able to stand. O soldier, Christ is your strength. Your standing is by His power. Against all the wiles of the devil. Is Satan very cunning and very powerful; full of force and fraud? Is he too much for you to resist and conquer? Remember Christ is your whole armour. All wisdom lies in the head. Christ is your head. He is to you made wisdom. 

All courage comes from the heart. “Christ dwells there by faith” (see Ephesians 3:17.) Thus armed, you are a match, an over match for the devil, and proof against all his devices. You can never fall, fail, or be wounded, while fighting in his armour. “For you shall be strengthened by the Spirit’s might, in the inner man.” Satan must first wound Christ, before he can reach you: first conquer Christ, before he can conquer you. O then Christian, look at your armour, not at your weak, defenceless self. Be strong. Be of good courage. Shout your victory, more than conquerors, through Christ Who loved us. Romans 8:37


Without the armour of my God, 

I cannot stand against one foe; 

O may I daily put it on, 

And thereby vanquish ev’ry woe.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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