The Trials of Our Faith ~ Be Encouraged, brethren

Some of the Lord’s people are going through some difficult trials at this time. I would say to you what Simon Peter said; Beloved, do not be amazed or bewildered by trials and afflictions which come upon you (see 1 Peter 1:6-8). Afflictions and trials are the common lot of God’s people in all ages. 

These trials are not by chance but are by Divine appointment for His glory and our eternal good. If you can, “Rejoice inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ’s sufferings, and when His glory shall be revealed, you will be glad with
exceeding joy”
(I Peter 4:13). These trials reveal FAITH, which becomes more precious through trial. They try our LOVE for Christ, which cannot be dimmed nor drowned in the tears of suffering. 

They try our HOPE of eternal life, for “whom have I on earth or in heaven beside Thee?” They enable us to give A GOOD WITNESS to others concerning Him Whom we believe, revealing whether it is indeed Him whom we desire rather than the loaves and the fishes He provides (John 2:23-25).

-preacher Henry T. Mahan


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