Prayers Aloft Continually

"Praying always with all prayer." -Ephesians 6:18 [KJV]

A person by way of banter, once said to me, “I will treat you with a play, if you will go with me to-night.” I thanked him, and told him, I would accompany him, if I could be sure it would bring more of the love of Christ into my heart. This, this is worth living for, using any means to promote, and going any where to procure. But, here is a weapon, which defends us against all temptations to go to such places, or do such things as are contrary to the peace of our souls, and which tend to damp the love of Christ in our hearts. 

That soul, who keeps up sweet fellowship with God, at a throne of grace, is dead to sensual gratifications. The more prayer, the more spiritual life from Christ. The more spiritual life, the more prayer to Christ. Praying. This is the last weapon of our warfare: it will be used by soldiers at the last moment of life. God be merciful to me a sinner: Jesus save or I perish, are suitable petitions for a dying soldier of Christ. We are sure such prayer of faith, God will answer. 

Praying always. We are prone to think, we are not always in a fit frame to pray. Who but Christ can put our soul in a better? Therefore pray him to do it. “I am oppressed,” said Hezekiah. What then! Did he cease to pray? No. “O Lord, undertake for me” (Isaiah 38:14.) The undertaking of Jesus we want always. Therefore, should pray for it always. With all prayer. Every kind of prayer. Though armed with the whole armour of God, yet no victory without the power of God. 

The most secret sigh of the soul is heard by God, as well as the loudest cry of the tongue. If your lot is cast into the worst of company, there your heart may pray. God can hear. You then ought to pray—That God may keep you. Are you low in your frame, and uncomfortable in your soul? Why is this? That you should call upon the Lord. Do you fear your enemy will prevail? Improve fears into prayers. Call on the Saviour. The more prayer, the more victory. The more victory, the more love. Love is heaven below. 

Thus we go on conquering and to conquer. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. Praying souls may joyfully shout victory over death, and all things, “More than conquerors through Him Who loved us” (Romans 8:37.) Is this the state? This the faith of praying Christians? Who brought them into this happy state, this joyful faith? The question excites gratitude, and calls forth praise to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Hebrews 12:2. Our Captain loves to hear His soldiers’ praying voice; Courage He gives, forbids our fear; Commands us to rejoice.

-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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