Looking to Christ for Salvation

"God be merciful to me a sinner." -Luke 18:13 [KJV]

I often reflect on what a perfectionist once said to me, upwards of twenty years ago: “Do not go to hear such preaching; you will get such a notion of sinnership, as though you were to be a poor sinner all your days.” Truly, after being so long in Christ, when I look into the glass of God’s law, I see myself just the same poor sinner I was at first; striving against sin, and looking to Christ for salvation. I thank my Lord, I do not trust in myself that I am righteous: yet am as righteous in myself, as any poor sinner on earth is; and as righteous in Christ, as any saint in glory is. 

O the humbling joy of faith! it brings boldness of access to God into the heart, while it destroys self-righteous confidence. Many poor souls are apt to say, I am afraid to approach God, I am such a sinner—I tremble to think what will become of me—I fear God will cast me off for ever; and damn me eternally, for my sins. No, saith the Lord: “My thoughts are not as your thoughts. Return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon you; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon” (Isaiah 55:7, 8.) 

But what plea have I to make? as good an one as the best saint upon earth has. He is not a saint in Christ, who dares make any other. He it is: your Lord puts it into your mouth; and assures you, that it is most prevailing before the throne of God—God be merciful to me a sinner! But, am I to bring no works, no faith? No: your faith brings you. Faith leaves all works behind. It relies on God’s gracious promises: it pleads God’s rich mercy in Christ, to poor, perishing sinners. Thus seek mercy; thus beseech God to be propitious to you. 

But must I not bring repentance? You cannot come without, if you have faith. Repentance flows from faith; is a change of mind, concerning the object of hope for salvation; and a change of conduct towards that object. A cry for mercy to God in Christ, as a miserable sinner, is the language of true repentance. 

But am I to live in sin, and walk in sin; and yet cry, God be merciful to me, a sinner? You cannot, if this cry comes from your heart, affected with the evil of sin; no more than you can cry to be delivered from devouring flames, and yet contentedly continue in the midst of them. But when we cast in our minds for a plea, we have the most blessed one,—the full atonement and perfect righteousness of JESUS. Therefore, there is never any room for despair. “Let us come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy, and find grace in every time of need.” -Hebrews 4:16


I daily live by mercy free, 

To me, a sinner, shew’d: 

I’ve nought to claim from God to me— 

He gives, because He’s good. 

Then let me take the lowest place 

Of deep humility; 

And if I ever see Christ’s face, 

There’s nothing due to me.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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