Free-will (-false) doctrine teaches that the success of God’s eternal purpose of salvation, the triumph of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the effectual work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration are all dependent upon the will of the sinner.  

To those who have been given an understanding of the gospel of free grace, the teachings of free-willism are repulsive because they are so contrary to the Scripture which declares, “Salvation is of the LORD” (Jonah 2:9).  

The eternal purpose of the Father to save a chosen multitude cannot be frustrated.  The redemptive work of Jesus Christ by which He satisfied divine justice, finished transgression, put away the sins of His people, made reconciliation for iniquity and brought in everlasting righteousness shall never be a failure.  

The regenerating power of the Holy Spirit cannot be resisted.  He will quicken dead sinners and grant them repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Make no mistake about it, any message associated with free-willism is a false gospel; it is opposed to the truth of God and the glory of God.  Free-willism essentially makes man his own Savior for it takes the honor of salvation away from the Lord and gives it to the sinner.  

It makes salvation to be dependent upon, not the sovereign will of God, but the will of the creature.  Free-willism is nothing more than idolatry; it is the worship of man’s will and the exaltation of the sinner over the Lord.                                                                                                    -preacher Robert Hawker


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