"Above all, taking the shield of faith." -Ephesians 6:16 [KJV]

When Christ has the heart, it will say, if I can see nothing of Christ in the text, that text is nothing to me. Here is a shield of defence. What is it? A mere assent of the mind? A cold consent of the tongue, to some certain propositions? Is this the shield of faith, which will cover my head, and defend my heart in the day of battle? Is it believing a system of doctrines, without having the heart warmed with love, or the life influenced by the power of them, that the apostle exhorts me above all to take? 

O no, nothing less is this shield of faith than Christ, precious Christ. Never, never have any idea of faith, without including its author and object. Otherwise it is a mere non-entity: a notion which has no real existence but in fancy. When we hear people insist, that faith is our righteousness—that faith is imputed to us for righteousness, we are led to think they take up, and are in love with some fancied excellence in themselves, instead of the excellence and glory of the Lord our Righteousness. It is Him the grace of faith ever exalts. 

Have you faith? Is Christ the glory and excellence of your faith, and of your heart? Then above all, or over all things else, take this shield of faith. Fiery darts, shot from the burning malice of hell, are flying thick around us. Such as strong temptations exciting burning lusts, blasphemous injections, horrid thoughts of God, debasing thoughts of Christ, distressing and despairing ones of the hope of salvation by Him. 

O how do these fiery darts of the enemy tend to burn up the peace, hope, consolation, and joy of the soul. Ah, says Satan, you a child of God—you a believer in Christ—you an heir of glory—your faith is fancy, your hope delusion. You are a cursed sinner in all you do. You had better give over your profession, give up your hope, and enjoy yourself in the world, for all your expectations are only vain. 

What can the poor sinner say? How repel, how quench such fiery darts? Only by taking the shield of faith. Holding up the work of Jesus for him against them all. My Saviour’s blood atoned for my sins—His blood cleansed from all sin—all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven—in His righteousness I am justified from ALL things—there is NOW NO condemnation to me, for I am IN Christ Jesus. All this I believe. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? 


Not faith, but Christ alone’s my shield; 

By faith I Him confess: 

I stand unconquer’d in the field, 

For He’s my righteousness. 

Father, I bless Thee for Thy Son, 

And Thou O Spirit, for Thy faith, 

And Christ for all which Thou hast done, 

For vict’ry over death.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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