
Showing posts from May, 2024


Free-will (-false) doctrine teaches that the success of God’s eternal purpose of salvation, the triumph of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the effectual work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration are all dependent upon the will of the sinner.   To those who have been given an understanding of the gospel of free grace, the teachings of free-willism are repulsive because they are so contrary to the Scripture which declares,  “Salvation is of the LORD”  (Jonah 2:9).   The eternal purpose of the Father to save a chosen multitude cannot be frustrated.  The redemptive work of Jesus Christ by which He satisfied divine justice, finished transgression, put away the sins of His people, made reconciliation for iniquity and brought in everlasting righteousness shall never be a failure.   The regenerating power of the Holy Spirit cannot be resisted.  He will quicken dead sinners and grant them repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Je...


  With grateful hearts for God’s free grace, We to the Lord salvation trace;   So lift your voices, let us sing   All glory unto Zion’s King.   Amazing, free and saving grace,   Was given to a chosen race;    The Father gave us to His Son,   Before creation was begun.   Behold free grace Christ Jesus came.   Who would refuse to praise His Name?   From heav’n He came our debt to pay;   And washed our ev’ry sin away.    Adore the Spirit’s saving grace,   Who caused us to the Son embrace;   Within our hearts the seed was sown;   To us the Savior was made known.   So let us sing of God’s free grace,   And Jesus Christ our Hiding Place;   O what a sweet and precious theme,   Grace reigns through righteousness supreme.     Tune:  Doxology LM Words by Jim Byrd

Looking to Christ for Salvation

" God be merciful to me a sinner." -Luke 18:13 [KJV] I often reflect on what a perfectionist once said to me, upwards of twenty years ago: “Do not go to hear such preaching; you will get such a notion of sinnership, as though you were to be a poor sinner all your days.” Truly, after being so long in Christ, when I look into the glass of God’s law, I see myself just the same poor sinner I was at first; striving against sin, and looking to Christ for salvation . I thank my Lord, I do not trust in myself that I am righteous: yet am as righteous in myself, as any poor sinner on earth is; and as righteous in Christ, as any saint in glory is.  O the humbling joy of faith! it brings boldness of access to God into the heart, while it destroys self-righteous confidence. Many poor souls are apt to say, I am afraid to approach God, I am such a sinner—I tremble to think what will become of me—I fear God will cast me off for ever; and damn me eternally, for my sins. No , ...


"...and confessed they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." -Hebrews 11:13 [KJV] O, ye worldly-minded professors, can ye read this without being ashamed and reproved? What will bring a man to this confession? Will sickness, and a near approach to death? O! no. Men return from the most dangerous illness, to greater love of the world, and more ardent pursuit after the things of it. Look at a dying worldling. See him, like a drowning man, clinching the faster what he has grasped for his hope and help. Men not only live fools, but die fools too.  Their senses beguile them: their reason befools them: they reject the plainest truths before them. Nothing will kill the love of a bewitching world in a deceitful heart, but the view of heaven by faith. No man will confess himself a stranger to the world, and a pilgrim on the earth, until he sees himself “a fellow-citizen with the saints, and of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19.) As we say, we will not quit a ce...


" Come, buy wine and milk, without money and without price." -Isaiah 55:1 [KJV] A free gospel is the glory of God’s grace, the joy of humble souls, the envy of malicious devils, and the contempt of proud, self-righteous pharisees. Milk is the pure, sweet, soul-nourishing doctrine of Christ. Wine is the generous, heart-reviving comforts of pardon of sins, and peace with God through the blood of Christ. The Lord knows we cannot grow strong, nor be comfortable in our souls, without this precious milk and animating wine.  Here is the Lord’s open house, public market, free invitation, and fixed price. Come: draw nigh to Me: keep not at a distance from Me, saith the Lord. Make no excuse, nor any delay: come now, this moment. Here is a free invitation, and a hearty welcome. O the love of our Lord’s heart! Buy. Art thou rich? such the Lord sends empty away. Hast thou brought a stock of thine own faithfulness, terms thou hast fulfilled, and conditions performed to buy w...

The Wednesday Word ~ 29 May, 2024 A.D.

What´s all this Nonsense About Jesus Being God   by D. G Miles McKee   Some years ago, in Maryland, USA, I was ministering at a series of meetings with my good friend Dr. Joel Freeman of the Freeman Institute.  It was ‘meetings’ at night and ‘greetings’ by day. Being out and about one day, we stopped for a quick bite of lunch at a small restaurant and, since the weather was pleasant, sat down at an outside table in the courtyard.    During lunch, I observed two young men moving from table to table, talking to the diners.  Eventually they stopped with us. “Hi guys,” they beamed, “we are Christians and in 15 minutes time we will be having a Bible study over by the fountain.  We’d sure like to have you join us.”   “Christians?” I inquired of them with my face covered by a puzzled look.   “Oh yes,” they responded with firmness, “we are Christians.”   I don’t know what exactly happened at tha...


"From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the L ORD ’s name is to be praised. " -Psalm 113:3 [KJV] Praise is the incessant employ of glorified saints in heaven. There they fully see and eternally sing of the electing, redeeming, sanctifying, glorifying love of the blessed Trinity. May our souls catch some of the heavenly flame of love, and imitate them in our praise to-night. This is the work of an humble heart. Pride is the parent of murmuring and discontent. A sense of the blessings of the Lord, and a sight of our unworthiness of them, excite praises in the heart. This is the language of a praising soul, Why me, Lord?  Why am I singled out from the ruins of a fallen race, to partake of Thy special grace, peculiar love, and precious salvation? Am I better than others? Have I done more to deserve Thy mercies than others? Have I a greater right to challenge Thy favour than others? O, Lord! why me? Thus, while the soul sinks in humility, it rises ...

Justified or Condemned?

" By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." -Matthew 12:37 [KJV] Who then can be saved? Is not this legal doctrine? Does it not contradict that fundamental doctrine of the gospel, justification by faith in the righteousness of Christ only? No: no more than St. James, in maintaining justification by works, contradicts St. Paul, who insists upon justification by faith. They are easy to be reconciled: so are these words to justification by grace. Surely our Lord never meant to contradict His own words: “He who believeth hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death to life.” (John 5:24.)   He cannot mean to overthrow our faith, distress our souls, and cause us to rest our final justification, at the last day, upon either our words or our works. If so, woe unto the most perfect! It had been better for that man he had never been born: for eternal condemnation must be his doom. But justif...


JESUS said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." -John 6:53 [KJV] Ignorant persons, who sit under unenlightened teachers, are taught to apply these words to the sacrament. Hence they think, if they do but receive the sacrament, they surely eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ; their sins are pardoned; all is well; and they shall go to heaven at last. O, how horridly is that sacred ordinance prostituted! “The wicked, such as be void of lively faith, do carnally and visibly press with their teeth the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ; yet in no wise are they partakers of Christ: but rather, to their condemnation, do eat and drink the sign or sacrament of so great a thing,” says St. Austin. What doth our Lord here mean?  (1st.) That naturally we have no spiritual life in us. We are dead, under the sentence of the law: as dead to all knowledge of, love to, and deligh...


  The Shepherd does not go in search of the lost sheep in order to make them His own, but because they are His already.  The sheep were His when they became sinners due to Adam’s transgression.  The good Shepherd said,  “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand”   (John 10:27-28).    The sheep did not suddenly become the property of the Shepherd upon hearing His voice and following Him.  The Shepherd called them unto Himself, they hear His voice and follow Him because they are already His sheep .  On the other hand, those who die in unbelief do not become goats by their refusal to believe Him.  Their unbelief is evidence they were never His sheep.   “But ye believe not, because ye are not of My Sheep, as I said unto you”   (John 10:26) .       ...


" I laboured more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me ." -I Corinthians 15:10 [KJV] When we meet with journals, diaries, experiences, etc. which do not exalt the riches of the grace of God, but set off the self-importance of the writers of them, they are as nauseous to the mind as tainted food to the palate. They remind us of the poet’s observation, “And I the little hero of each tale.” Not so St. Paul, in speaking of himself. No sooner had he brought this little great "I" upon the stage, but he instantly caused it to disappear.  Hence, the doctrine is plain, The grace of God makes a person labour for God, and yet keeps him humble before God. Consider, (1st.) To have the grace of God with one, is to have a lively sense of God’s free favour, in Christ, upon one’s own soul. Without this, we go on heavily in the ways of God; soon tire in His service; and turn back and walk no more with Christ. This was the life and ...

The Life of Faith and Love...

  “His commandments are not grievous.”   It is more profitable and enjoyable to love than to hate, to forgive than to hold a grudge, to smile than to quarrel, to behave kindly than to act ugly. The way of the transgressor is hard, not the way of the believer.  The life of faith and love is the good life.                                                                -preacher Henry Mahan


Sovereign Grace is God’s grace. And God’s grace is Sovereign Grace. If it is not Sovereign Grace, it is not saving grace.  Sovereign Grace is the Truth.   Sovereign Grace is the message that declares the electing love of the Father, the redeeming love of the Son, and the invincible love of the Holy Spirit.  Sovereign grace is the content of all true evangelism.  Sovereign Grace is the Gospel!  Any message that does not declare the sovereign Grace of God in Christ Jesus is “another gospel” !  Sovereign grace is saving grace !

We Gather for Worship

  Eternal, faithful, loving Lord, We bow before Thy throne;   Come as we gather in Thy Name,   And make Thy glories known.     O send Thy Spirit from above,   To touch these lips of ours;   That we would praise and honor Thee,   With all our earthly pow’rs.     When to our ears the gospel comes,   Lord send it deep within;   Come fill each heart with love and grace,   And cleanse us from our sin.     May all who gather in this house,   By faith to Jesus flee;   No other One can save our souls,   Or give us peace with Thee.       O give us grace to bless Thy name   As one, to raise our voice;   To honor and adore our God,   To worship and rejoice.       Tune: “Amazing Grace”  CM  Words by Jim Byrd