"From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the LORD’s name is to be praised." -Psalm 113:3 [KJV]

Praise is the incessant employ of glorified saints in heaven. There they fully see and eternally sing of the electing, redeeming, sanctifying, glorifying love of the blessed Trinity. May our souls catch some of the heavenly flame of love, and imitate them in our praise to-night. This is the work of an humble heart. Pride is the parent of murmuring and discontent. A sense of the blessings of the Lord, and a sight of our unworthiness of them, excite praises in the heart. This is the language of a praising soul, Why me, Lord? 

Why am I singled out from the ruins of a fallen race, to partake of Thy special grace, peculiar love, and precious salvation? Am I better than others? Have I done more to deserve Thy mercies than others? Have I a greater right to challenge Thy favour than others? O, Lord! why me? Thus, while the soul sinks in humility, it rises in praise. David describes saints, with the “highest praises of God in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand” (Psalm 149:6.) What for? to execute vengeance upon their heathen notions, of sacrificing any praise to themselves, or ascribing any thing to their own deserts. 

These are special marks of a regenerate person. (1st.) His heart is formed for, and his soul delights to praise the Lord at all times. For he sees himself infinitely and entirely indebted to the grace of God, for all he is, all he enjoys, and all he hopes for. (2d.) It is his grief, that he cannot praise the Lord as he would, without intermission, “From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same.” For worthy is the Lord of unceasing praise. His mercies are renewed every morning, continued unto evening, and repeated in the night season. But here is a precious word in this Psalm, that endears the Lord to us, and excites praise from us. “Who is like unto the Lord our God, Who dwellest on high! Who humbleth Himself”—pause, O my soul! at that astonishing word. How did the most high God humble himself? to the most low and abject state. 

Made Himself of no reputation; took on Him the form of a servant; a mean man: yea, more, became obedient to the most ignominious death, even the cursed death of the cross (Philippians 2:8.) O, my soul, though vile in thine own eyes, though of no repute in the world, consider this. Thou canst never want an inexhaustible fund of comfort, and a never-failing source for praise. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name.” -Psalm 103:1. 


Each risen sun that I behold, 

Calls for my daily praise: 

Thy mercies, Lord, can ne’er be told, 

How rich! how free Thy grace! 

The shades of each revolving night 

Proclaim Thy grace to me: 

O, joyful hope! O prospect bright! 

In heav’n I shall praise Thee.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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