"I laboured more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me." -I Corinthians 15:10 [KJV]

When we meet with journals, diaries, experiences, etc. which do not exalt the riches of the grace of God, but set off the self-importance of the writers of them, they are as nauseous to the mind as tainted food to the palate. They remind us of the poet’s observation, “And I the little hero of each tale.” Not so St. Paul, in speaking of himself. No sooner had he brought this little great "I" upon the stage, but he instantly caused it to disappear. 

Hence, the doctrine is plain, The grace of God makes a person labour for God, and yet keeps him humble before God. Consider, (1st.) To have the grace of God with one, is to have a lively sense of God’s free favour, in Christ, upon one’s own soul. Without this, we go on heavily in the ways of God; soon tire in His service; and turn back and walk no more with Christ. This was the life and spring of all Paul’s labours. See to it then, that we wrestle with God in prayer; study the precious word of His grace; and be diligent in attending His ordinances, that we may ever have a lively sense of God’s pardoning, justifying, sanctifying grace in Christ upon our hearts—ever cautiously avoid all persons, places, and things, which tend to grieve the Spirit and damp His lively influence. For, 

(2d.) Every private Christian is called to labour for God, as well as apostles and ministers. There is such a thing, as receiving the grace of God in vain. How? When we profess to esteem and receive the doctrine of the gospel of grace, and yet they bring not forth in us correspondent fruits. 

O, how much is this the case among professors! how greatly to be deplored and deprecated! What! do you profess to know God, and yet in works deny Him? Do you believe the love and salvation of Christ for miserable sinners? and yet can you, instead of labouring for His glory, be idle, in not living and walking, studying and striving to please our Saviour, and profit His dear children? 

Have you the grace of God with you? It is to be feared. If you have, you have sadly lost its life and influence. O, be deeply affected for your state. 

(3d.) Is the grace of God warm upon our hearts? Are we alive and active for God’s glory in our lives? Do we labour more than others for God? O! let us beware we do not sacrifice to ourselves; exalt our own power and faithfulness: for true grace will keep us low and humble. In the light of it, we shall see how little we do for God; how much more we ought to do; and, in the little we do, how much evil there is in it, and how far short we come in all of His glory. “Be clothed with humility.” -I Peter 5:5. 


He is most blest, who labours most 

In God’s most holy ways: 

But, after all, we dare not boast, 

For all is done through grace.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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