THINK ABOUT IT, friends...

When “The mystery of God is finished,” “Time shall be no more,” and all of the redeemed of the Lord are gathered around their great Redeemer, perfected and glorified forever, the only visible evidence of the consequences of sin will be seen on the Redeemer Himself!  

Every mark and trace of sin will have been removed from the saints of God.  The wounds inflicted upon Christ the Redeemer when He delivered Himself up to be crucified as the Substitute for sinners, “The Just for the unjust” that He might bring them to God, will be the only visible evidence of sin remaining.  

What an eternal reminder that “By His stripes they are healed!”  They did all the sinning.  He did all the suffering, dying, and saving.  What amazing love and grace!  What an amazing Redeemer-God!


-preacher Maurice Montgomery of Bible Baptist Church, Madisonville, Kentucky USA 


Sermon Audio for Gospel sermons, friends: speakeronly=true&currsection=sermonsspeaker&keyword=Maurice_Montgomery


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