Nowhere in the Word of God do we find the most common religious catch phrase – “Accept Jesus as your personal Savior.”  Nowhere does it say that the Lord of all the universe is up for acceptance or rejection by mere mortals.  Nowhere does it say that the Sovereign Creator of all things needs to be accepted by the creature.

You see…we are on trial…Not God!  We are the ones that will be either accepted or rejected, according to the will and pleasure of Him who made us.  It is God that must “Accept us in the beloved.”  Accepting something or someone implies ability to accept or reject. Man, who is dead in sins, cannot accept but only reject that which is true and good. “The natural man receiveth not the things of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he…” (I Corinthians 2:14). 


The Scriptures do however speak of us receiving Christ  (must see - John 1:12-13) But there is a big difference in receiving something and accepting it.  Receiving implies that a gift has been bestowed upon you.  The gift of God’s grace in Christ is unmerited favor bestowed upon you.  All to whom God grants this unspeakable gift are made willing in the day of His power to receive it (see Psalm 110:3).

They are made to see the irresistible beauty of Christ, and their desperate need of Him, and humbly and gladly receive Him.  Even their calling upon Him and asking for Him, are God’s gracious gifts (Romans 2:4)One cannot glory in receiving a gift, for even our receiving we have received; for “A man can receive  nothing except it be given him from above” (John 3:27)The glass cannot glory for receiving the water that is poured into it.


Those who say they have accepted Jesus do not know and have not received the Lord Jesus Christ, and are not saved.  For that is not the language of Scripture nor of any child of God. The language of Scripture and the testimony of every child of God is this: we have received mercy and grace from our God through the Lord Jesus Christ.


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