O LORD, deliver us from unbelief!

"David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul." -I Samuel 27:1 [KJV]

Who will say, that, from the nature and reason of things, David had not cause to think so? The king’s wrath was incensed against him. “The wrath of a king is as messengers of death: yea, as the roaring of a lion” (Proverbs 16:14–19:12.) Saul wanted neither policy nor power to execute his cruel designs upon David: but only, he must have permission from David’s Lord, before he could hurt a single hair of his head. Poor David’s heart seems to forget this, when, in a fit of fear and frame of unbelief, he says, “I shall now one day perish by the hand of Saul.”  

Now, only think, “The Lord had appointed and anointed David to be king; and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward.” Yet, we here find him doubting the truth of what had passed, giving way to unbelief, and suspecting that the Lord’s purpose might be prevented, by Saul’s malice in destroying him: as though Saul’s arm was stronger to destroy, than the Lord’s to save; or Saul’s hatred against him greater than the Lord’s love for him. 

What an enemy is unbelief to God’s glory and the comfort of His beloved children! the holiest of God’s saints are not totally freed from its distressing influence. See it in David; see it in thyself and be ashamed. For, art thou a David, a beloved of the Lord? art thou also anointed by the Spirit of the Lord, to be a king unto God? (Revelation 1:6.) Yet didst thou never say in thine heart, “I shall one day perish by the hand of mine enemies?” I shall never arrive at the kingdom of God? Yea, art thou thinking or saying so now? Then, be ashamed of thyself, for thus dishonouring thy Lord’s love, calling in question His grace, suspecting His power, and slighting His Spirit: as though the power of sin, Satan, and the world were greater than thy Lord’s, and could frustrate His gracious purposes towards thee. 

O! think, it is the blood of the Son of God which hath redeemed thee from all thy sins: it was the Spirit of God that quickened thy soul, when dead in sins; it was His grace that brought thee to Jesus for salvation: and all this, because the Father loved thee with an everlasting love. Now, set all this against all the powers of sin and darkness, and say which is greatest? Who shall prevail? Look not to thy own strength. Depend not on thy own graces. Be not over elated by thy fine frames: be not dejected under dark ones. Trust in the Lord for ever; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength (see Isaiah 26:4.) 


How many fears our souls distress, 

Thro’ cursed unbelief? 

Save us, O Lord, our righteousness, 

From this malignant thief. 

O, Lord! Give faith, and faith’s increase, 

To trust Thee ev’ry hour, 

That we may feel our hearts at ease, 

Thro’ Thine almighty pow’r.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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