I want to share three lies about God I’ve recently seen tossed about on social media as truth by professed believers: (1) God can move in your life.......if you permit Him. (2) Christ can be Lord.......if you confess Him. (3) God can do anything ........except overcome a man’s will.

Friends, if God doesn’t even have sovereignty over the human heart (without being granted permission, of course) who is serving who? Who really has all power in this universe?

Many of you reading this post pray to God for the salvation of your loved ones. Yet you believe it is your loved one who has to grant God permission to save! God is left only to making their life miserable in the hopes they come to Him. Such foolishness! Such powerlessness!

Truth #1: God moves in the lives of His children without human permission.

Truth #2: Men do not make Christ Lord. He IS Lord. Your current opinion of Him no more changes His Lordship over you than if you declared a boiling lava pit to be a sand box! Your opinion doesn’t count! He is Lord. Period.

Truth #3: Countless are the passages which showcase God moving to change hearts and lives without permission from man! Do you really think Saul woke up before his trip to Damascus planing on “giving his heart to Jesus?” He was literally going there to round up and kill Christians. But the God who doesn’t ask permission met him on the road, changed his mind concerning the truth, and commissioned him an evangelist of the Gospel!

So, let’s quit preaching this weakling god, a being so powerless that he can’t act without a dead sinner’s permission. Instead, let us proclaim the God of the Bible, the all-powerful Sovereign of all things seen and unseen, who has power, wonder working power, in His hands to
save, deliver, and heal entirely by the working of His will

~preacher Jason Boothe of Horizons Baptist Church of Piketon, Ohio USA


Nancy said…
this was a wonderful post I believe everything he said... thanks for sharing Bill...& that's the gospel truth
Suzie said…
The Church must occasionally be reminded that our Father is sovereign, holy, THE Creator of all thing known to mankind, and He will not be not become a figment of our imaginations of what we have decided He should be.

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