The Wednesday Word ~ 31 January, 2024 A.D.

The ABCs of the Gospelby D.G. Miles McKee

   A” stands for the vitally important text without which the gospel makes no sense, “All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.” Romans 3:23.Have you heard of Sir James Simpson? He discovered the use of chloroform in 1887 and by his discovery revolutionized surgery.  He is known as a giant in the history of medicine.  However, when asked by one of his students what he considered to be the most valuable discovery of his lifetime, he replied, “My most valuable discovery was when I discovered myself a sinner and that Jesus Christ was my Saviour.”Yes indeed, the first thing we are to realize is that we are sinners in need of a Saviour. Jesus only saves sinners.  He said, “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Mark 2:17). Salvation is for the guilty (Jeremiah 33:8).For the sinner (Luke 7: 37, 47).For the lost (Luke 19:10).For the ungodly (Romans 4:5).This is wonderful news! What about your sins? Has the thought of them ever pierced you?  “NO“ you adamantly reply. “I’m not a bad sinner. “  So, is God a liar?  His word says, “There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sins not“ (Ecclesiastes 7:20). You may think that you are not too bad, but God cannot accept your verdict about yourself. You must accept His. B” stands for “Behold”, “Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world.”  John 1:29. The question is not whether you have heard about Jesus, read about Him, nor even spoken kindly about Him. Many have done these things, yet they have never beheld Him by faith.  They have never looked upon Him as their personal Saviour who bore their condemnation on the cross (Romans 8:3). What about you? Have you beheld Him? C” is for “Come”. Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heaven laden and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). Notice how Jesus didn’t say “Come to church” That comes afterwards. First, we come to Him.  The Hymn writer said it so well,"Jesus! I come to Thee,In Thee myself I hide;Laden with guilt and misery,Where can I rest beside? 'Tis on Thy meek and lowly breast My weary soul alone can rest. " Jesus gives us rest.Rest for time,Rest for eternity.Rest in the light of judgment to come.Rest of conscience through the blood-shedding of Christ. One of the reasons Jesus died was to secure rest for us. He died to satisfy the requirements of divine justice when nothing else would do. Dear believer, I know too well that despite these Gospel Truths, we sometimes find ourselves ill at ease at the thought of meeting God?   But if this happens, then rest in the fact that Jesus bore your sins at the cross (1 Peter 2:24).

Rest in the fact that your sins have been purged (Hebrews 1:3)Rest in the fact that He has blotted out your transgressions (Isaiah 43:25)Rest in the fact that He will not remember your sins (Isaiah 43:25).

As the Hymn Writer, Agustus Toplady, said, "From whence this fear and unbelief?Hath not the Father put to griefHis spotless Son for me?And will the righteous Judge of menCondemn me for that debt of sinWhich, Lord, was charged on Thee?Complete atonement Thou hast made,And to the utmost farthing paidWhate’er Thy people owed;How then can wrath on me take placeIf sheltered in Thy righteousness,And sprinkled with Thy blood?If Thou hast my discharge procured,And freely in my room enduredThe whole of wrath divine,Payment God cannot twice demand—First at my bleeding Surety’s hand,And then again at mine.Turn then, my soul, unto thy rest!The merits of thy great High PriestHave bought thy liberty;Trust in His efficacious blood,Nor fear thy banishment from God,Since Jesus died for thee."And that’s the Gospel Truth!


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