Christ JESUS will be our Guide even unto death!

"This is our God for ever, and ever: He will be our guide even unto death." -Psalm 48:14 [KJV]

Here is, (1st.) The joyful claim of faith. This God: Just as though the sinner saw Him as visible, pointed to Him, and exulted in Him. “Is our God.” It is our special mercy, we do not serve an unknown God. Our God has manifested Himself to us: is known by us: we have felt His sovereign grace and almighty power within us. Hence, we own Him, come to Him, and rejoice in Him, as our covenant God in Christ. He came from heaven to earth, to seek and to save us. He has given us hearts to ascend from earth to heaven. 

There we view our reconciled God and Father, at perfect peace with us; our God Redeemer, ever living to save us; our God and Comforter, winging the joys of salvation into our hearts, and thereby sanctifying us unto eternal glory. “This our God, ever rests in His love to us” (Zephaniah 3:17.) “He will never turn away from us to do us good.” (Jeremiah 32:40.)  

For, (2d.) He is “our God forever and ever.” Not only yesterday and to-day, while our frames are warm and lively, and our comforts are strong: but through every revolving period of time, and in every distressing circumstance. O, distressing thought, if God were ever to cease to be our God! Some say, God may be our loving God and Father today, but to-morrow may cast us off in His wrath, and become our implacable enemy for ever. What! does God beget children for the devil? Has Christ redeemed souls by His blood, which may be damned in hell? Does the Spirit quicken and sanctify souls, who may inhabit the bottomless pit? O! this is not the language of Scripture and faith, but of ignorance and unbelief. It comes from devilish pride, thinking we do something to cause God to be our God. It tends to dreadful presumption—thinking we can do something to keep Him our God. It ends in awful desperation; for if we fail on our parts, we lose God and our souls for ever. 

No: but, (3d.) O joyful truth! “Our God will be our guide, even unto death.” Then, we cannot sin our souls out of His hands. “For Christ’s blood cleanseth from all sin” (1 John 1:7.) “We cannot forfeit His mercy; it endureth for ever” (Psalm 106:1.) “He will guide us into all truth” (John 16:13.) His truth forbids all sin: everlasting love constrains from it: His promises excite to all holiness; and we are filled with all joy and peace in believing Him, when He says, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you” -Hebrews 13:5.

The God we worship now, 

Will guide us till we die; 

Will be our God while here below, 

And ours above the skies.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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