Wait for God's Time & Live in God's Way

"We have not an high-priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are; yet without sin."Hebrews 4:15 [KJV]

"Without sin!" O, cries the sanctified soul, that this was my happy state. And verily, as sure as the word of God is true, thou shalt enjoy this perfect freedom from thy worst enemy. But thou must be content to wait God's time, and live in God's way; that is, by faith upon thy best friend Jesus. Thy present blessedness is to understand and rejoice in this great mystery, that Christ who knew no sin was made sin for us. Therefore, by faith we glory, knowing that God looketh on us, blesseth us as righteous in Christ, and doth not impute sin unto us. 

As the Head is without sin, so are all the members, viewed and beloved in the sight of God. And this is the evidence that we are born of the Spirit and have the mind of Christ, that we hate all sin and long for entire deliverance from it, and aspire after full conformity to the image of God. But this we cannot enjoy in the body. We must first sleep in Jesus ere we awake up after His perfect likeness. In the mean time we have a loving, sympathizing high-priest before the throne of God. This is our comfort. That very human nature in which our sins were expiated on earth, is now crowned with glory in heaven. This is very refreshing. 

Christ can as soon forget His own glory as any part of His suffering body. He feels for them. He is touched with the most tender concern and affection towards them. He knows what sore temptations mean, for He hath felt the same. Temptations, even though most violent, cannot harm us: nay, they do not defile us, unless we enter into them. Therefore, they should not deject us. And need we ever be overcome by them? Doth not Jesus live? Have we not free and familiar access to Him, as the glorified man and Mediator? Is not all power in heaven and earth given unto him? 

Believest thou this, O soul? Think on Calvary's proof of His love. Remember Bethany's proof of His resurrection. Call to mind His tender love to, and affectionate care for, His sheep, when Saul was worrying them. O He called, "Why persecutest thou ME?" Thou canst not hurt them, but I feel it. He ever lives at the right hand of glory to intercede for and save us poor sinners. And let thy distress be what it may, His loving advice suits it. "Call upon Me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me."Psalm 50:15

With joy we meditate the grace of our High Priest above; 

His heart is made of tenderness. 

His bowels melt with love. 

He in the days of feeble flesh 

Pour'd out His cries and tears, 

And in His measure feels afresh 

What ev'ry member bears. 

Then let our humble faith address 

His mercy and His pow'r; 

We shall obtain deliv'ring grace 

In the distressing hour.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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