The Wednesday Word - 19JUL23 A.D.

What If Jesus Is Not God? 

by D.G. Miles McKee  
John 8:24, "Unless you believe that I am (He), you shall die in your sins."  From all eternity Jesus Christ was and is the eternally, self-existent One. He was and is and is to come. He is Yahweh, the great I Am, the Alpha and the Omega, the Word made flesh (John 1:14).  He was and is God. His divine nature was unborrowed, underived, and unconferred.  It is Jesus, the Lord from heaven, who is above all and over all (John 3:31). He is the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Colossians 2:9).  He has and is both the wisdom and the power of God (1 Corinthians1:24). In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead in all knowledge, power, grace, mercy, truth and holiness. As believers, it is our privilege to propagate the message that the Lord Jesus possesses all that God is. If people want to know what God has said, we should point them to the words of Jesus. If they want to know how God acts, then study Jesus and see what He has done.  Jesus is the unabridged version of God: He is the very mystery of God!   Jesus is the full and accurate interpretation of the mind of God. To meet Him is to meet God. To be saved by Him is to be saved by God. He is the final word that God will ever speak about Himself (Hebrews 1:1-3). 
The deity of Christ is an amazingly joyful and life-giving truth.  It’s amazing to consider that that man who lived in our place was our God.  That same man who hung on the cross for us was our God.  That man who poured out His blood for us was our God.  That man who paid our ransom was our God.  That man who became a curse for us was our God.  That man who became our surety was our God; that man who rose from the dead for us was our God.  It is God Himself who has saved us!  What a gospel! 
Our salvation is in Him and in Him alone. This is good news, no; indeed, this is the best news! But consider this:If Jesus Christ is not God, He was an imposter.If Jesus Christ is not God, He could not have atoned for our sins.If Jesus Christ is not God, we have not been redeemed.If Jesus Christ is not God, we are lost.If Jesus Christ is not God, we are deceived.If Jesus Christ is not God, we are idolaters.If Jesus Christ is not God, we have made a man into a God. Also, if Jesus Christ is not God, then we must conclude the Bible to be a book of nonsense.  So clear is its testimony to the deity of Christ that, if Christ is not God in the flesh, the Bible must be no better than a fairy tale for adults. In that case, we will profit more from a reading of Alice in Wonderland than from a study of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.But He is God Almighty in human flesh appearing  (Revelation 1:8;18). And that’s the Gospel Truth! 


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