The Wednesday Word ~ 29 March, 2023 A.D.

A Fountain Opened 

 by D.G Miles McKee

Have you ever heard of the Fountain of Youth?  It was a mythical fountain that, when tasted, gave everlasting youth to those who located it.  Some legends claimed this fountain was in St Augustine, Florida. where supposedly Ponce De Leon, a Spanish explorer, discovered its healing waters.  Some people still believe that the legends about the fountain are absolutely true. However, there really is a Fountain of Life that can bring restoration to us …  but it is not in Florida!  It is in the man, Jesus Christ!  Jesus said in John 4:14, "… whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." In the Old Testament, the prophet Zechariah prophesied there would be a fountain opened up for sin and uncleanness. (Zechariah 13:1). It was not, however, a literal fountain but one that points us to the cross of Calvary and the Finished Work.  Because of the Finished Work, the fountain of eternal life is open and accessible. Because of the Finished Work of the Lord Christ, believers don’t have to go to God through any earthly priest.Because of the Finished Work, we don’t have to go to God through any group that refers to itself as the One True Church.Because of the Finished Work, we don’t have to go to God through our good works. No!  We go to God through none of the above. Why not? Because we may go directly to God through our heavenly High priest. the Lord Jesus.  Oh, the insanity of people who will not go to God through Jesus.  In Him, is Zechariah’s prophesied fountain opened.  Some people say, “Well I’m a terrible sinner so I can’t go to Jesus,” That’s like standing in the shower and you’re filthy and you say, “I don’t think I can take a shower because I’m so dirty.” Madness! And finally, you’ll notice that Zechariah’s fountain is open for sin and uncleanness. It’s not for those that are good, it’s not for those that are kind, it’s not for those who think they are righteous in themselves.  It’s for those who know that they are sinners, unclean before God.  The hymn writer borrowing, from Zechariah’s imagery, said it so well: “There is a fountain filled with blood,Drawn from Immanuel’s veins,And sinners plunged beneath that floodLose all their guilty stains:Lose all their guilty stains,Lose all their guilty stains;And sinners plunged beneath that floodLose all their guilty stains.The dying thief rejoiced to seeThat fountain in His day;And there have I, though vile as he,Washed all my sins away:Washed all my sins away,Washed all my sins away;And there have I, though vile as he,Washed all my sins away." And so today, I want to ask you a question. For salvation, have you put your trust in Jesus Christ?  Have you recognized that you need a fountain for your sin and uncleanness?  The fountain has been flowing and is available today.  It is still, so to speak, cascading with the waters of cleansing power and has been so down through the centuries. It is just as available today as it ever has been. Will you trust Him with your life and eternal destiny?Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.“Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious bloodShall never lose its power,Till all the ransomed church of GodAre safe, to sin no more:Are safe, to sin no more,Are safe, to sin no more;Till all the ransomed church of GodAre safe, to sin no more.” And that’s the Gospel Truth!


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