"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise." —Psalm 51:1 [KJV]

It is the wisdom and joy of disciples to see somewhat of Jesus in every page of the lively oracles. Then the word is searched with pleasure, studied with delight, and is made exceeding profitable to the soul. To this end the sins and backslidings, the humiliations and repentings, the joys and experiences of saints of old are recorded. We see their deserts to be the lowest hell: but grace reigns. Though sin abounded in them, yet grace super-abounded over them. But all is through Jesus; no mercy for sinful man, but through that dear man and blessed Mediator.

So He glorifies His name, so He makes known His power to be "the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever," in saving His people from their sins. Though sin may blind the eyes to His love, and harden the heart against His fear, and the spirit become stout and rebellious for a season, yet see His amazing love; behold the effects of His almighty grace: a cruel, murdering, adulterous, yet beloved David shall be arraigned, plead guilty, sue for mercy, and hope for pardon. But did a broken spirit and a contrite heart entitle him to this? Did he plead his present griefs and humiliations to atone for his past transgressions? No, alas, if he had no other hope than this, horror and black despair would have been the portion of his backsliding soul. God will not, doth not, cannot bestow pardon of sin, till He makes the soul sensible of, and sorry for sin. Nor will He ever despise, abhor, or reject broken-hearted, contrite souls. For His Spirit effects this in them. Though no plea can be founded for this, yet the soul is sweetly encouraged hereby to hope; because here is an evidence that the Lord hath not given up such to a reprobate mind; still He works in them; they feel the effects. A sense of guilt is dreadful to be borne, distressing to feel; therefore such cry for deliverance: "Restore unto me the joys of Thy salvation."

Our loving Lord breaks the heart for sin, though sin cannot break the covenant of His love; therefore sin shall not reign unto death. O soul, art thou mourning for thy sins? Remember HIM on Whom the iniquity of us all was laid. Look to Him "Who bore our sins in His own body on the tree; by Whose stripes we are healed." A contrite spirit flies from the pleasures of sin, which are but for a season: it cannot rest till former joys are restored; it is also solicitous about his future walk, lest he fall again: therefore cries, "Uphold me with Thy free spirit." ver. 12.

I cannot live without Thy light, Cast out and banish'd from Thy sight: Thine holy joys, my God, restore, And guard me that I fall no more.

O may Thy love inspire my tongue; Salvation shall be all my song; And all my powers shall join to bless The Lord, my strength and righteousness.

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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