The Manifestation of Christ JESUS' Glory to His people

"..and manifested forth His glory; and His disciples believed on Him." -John 2:11 [KJV]

It forms a very sweet thought to the believer, that, amidst the general darkness and ignorance concerning the person of Jesus, in the days of His flesh, the glory of His Godhead was frequently manifested to His disciples, so that they knew Him, and believed on Him. And it is equally blessed, that now, amidst the darkness and ignorance of many who call themselves Christians, after Christ, (but who denying, or being unconscious of His Godhead, prove that they know Him not) the Lord hath not left Himself without a witness of who He is, to the minds of His faithful followers; but hath manifested forth His glory; and all true disciples believe on Him.  

My soul! if thou wert called upon to give thy testimony to Jesus, concerning all the grand points which prove the Godhead of His person, and the eternal merits and efficacy of His blood and righteousness; how wouldest thou shew the evidences, that He hath manifested forth His glory to thee, and that thou believest on Him? I would answer, Jesus hath fully manifested Himself to me, as "One with the Father, over all, God blessed for ever;" and as such, having seen the Son, I believe in Him, "in Whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."  

Hence, therefore, as it is said, "they that know Thy name, will put their trust in Thee;" so "I know Whom I have believed;" and by His blessed Spirit, am persuaded, that "He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him to that day." Now, had not the Lord Jesus, by His Holy Spirit, taught me who He was, and what He was able to perform; had He not manifested forth His glory, never should I have known Him, so as to believe on Him. But the revelation He hath made of Himself, hath induced all those saving effects, which none but the teachings of His Holy Spirit could impart. It hath wrought in me faith and love, humbleness and self-loathing, a regard for His cause, a zeal for His honour, a love to His people, an indifferency to the world; and all those gracious fruits of faith which follow the knowledge of Jesus.  

Blessed Lord! My soul rejoiceth anew, this evening, in the contemplation of Thy glory. And under a sense of the distinguishing mercy, I feel constrained to cry out with the astonishment of the apostle, "Lord! how is it, that Thou hast manifested Thyself to me, and not unto the world!" 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)  


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