"Who is she that 1ooketh forth as the morning; fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?" -Song of Solomon 6:10 [KJV]

By whomsoever this question is asked, there can be no question of whom it is said; for the church of Jesus, made comely by the comeliness which her Lord hath put upon her, is all this, and more, in every eye that can admire true loveliness; and will be a perfection of beauty, in the upper and brighter world for ever. The first openings of grace upon the soul, after a dark night of the fall, may be compared to the beauty of the morning. But though fair as the moon, it is but a borrowed light, as the moon, and subject to changes in its inceasings, and in its warnings also. As long as the sun's influences are upon this planet, its shinings will be fair. But when objects intervene from the earth, and the sun shines not, there will be an eclipse of all its borrowed lustre. Just so the church; and Oh! how often on my soul. While Jesus, the Sun of righteousness, shines upon me, all is fair and lovely; but if He withdraws, the night immediately follows.  

But Oh! my soul, when grace is perfected in glory; when, as John in a vision saw, that wonder of wonders in heaven, "a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet," (Revelation 12:1) then shall the whole church of God shine forth "as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father." Precious Jesus! give me to see my clear interest in Thee, from my union with Thee! And do Thou, dear Lord, so make me strong in Thy strength, that during the whole period of my present warfare, I may be "terrible as an army with banners," to all that would oppose my way to Thee, and in Thee. Yea, Lord! let sin, and Satan, and the world, be ever so united against me; yet do Thou put on me the whole armour of my God, that I may "fight the good fight of faith, lay hold of eternal life, and be made more than conqueror through Him that loveth me." 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.) 


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