"And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship; and so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land." -Acts 27:44 [KJV]

This is the beautiful conclusion of a history, which, during the providence wherein Paul the apostle and his companions were in shipwreck, afforded large opportunity for the exercise of faith. The issue, it appears, was not doubtful from the first; for an angel of God had assured Paul, that God had given unto him the lives of all that sailed with him. And so it proved; yea, the very wreck of the ship furnished out means for the people's safety. Now, my soul, here is a very precious instruction for thee. In the exercises of thy life, learn from hence to abide firmly by the promise, when every thing leading to its accomplishment seems to fail. God hath said, that eternal life, with all its preliminaries, is in His Son; and that "...he that hath the Son, hath life, and shall not come into condemnation."  

Now let what will arise, after this declaration of God, like the storm and shipwreck of the apostle, these are intervening circumstances with which thou hast nothing to do. Do thou take hold of the promise; for the promise hath its claim upon God. This cannot fail, whatever else may fall. And though, like Paul in this voyage, neither sun nor stars in many days may appear, and no small tempest be upon thee; Jesus is still at the helm, and thou shalt assuredly escape to land. Yea, the very wreck of all things around thee, shall but the better minister to this great end. And thou shalt at length write down the same conclusion to thy history, which Joshua, the man of God, made of the whole history of Israel: - "Not one thing hath failed, of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto this very day." 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.) 


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