Weekend Gospel message to follow for All Hands (06-08AUG21)

Heads-Up --- Please find enclosed encouragement in SO GREAT SALVATION by the perfect and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving poor, needy and wretched sinners by His sovereign free grace -God's unmerited favor to save us- from our sins and from Hell:

Christ, All Our Righteousness!

When we review the fall of man in the garden, we discover how great was that fall and how infinite was our loss. We became corrupt, dying creatures; once strong, now weak; once healthy, now sick; once always living, now always dying. Pain, sorrow, sickness, and death is our lot. We lost happiness and became creatures of fear, shame, hate, and greed.

We can’t live alone and we can’t live together. We lost fellowship with God; our sins have separated us from His presence and His favor. We are not dying men spiritually; we are dead men! But underlying the whole matter is the sobering truth that in the fall man lost his righteous nature. God made man upright; but man became a sinner, a transgressor, a rebel, and an ungodly creature.

We have changed; oh, how we have changed;but God has not changed. The Lord is still the same in holiness, justice, and truth. What he HAS required, He STILL requires. He demands of the creature what He must demand. He commands
what men cannot produce, A PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS! Who shall stand in His presence? “He that hath clean hands and a pure heart.” What doth the Lord require of us? What He has always required – to fear God, to walk in ALL His ways, to love God and to serve Him in perfection with all thy heart and soul!

This is impossible! Of course it is, with you and me, BUT NOT WITH CHRIST! The Lord Jesus in the flesh fulfilled all that the Father required and satisfied His holy justice perfectly for all who believe. Jeremiah called Him “The LORD our Righteousness.” Righteousness cannot be found in us, nor in our works, nor in the law; but it is found in Christ.“I find no fault in Him”declares heaven, earth, and hell.

Oh, that I may win Christ and be found in Him, not having mine own righteousness, which is but filthy rags; but, with His spotless garment on, I'm as holy as His dear Son!

-preacher Henry Mahan


"Storm Warning: Prove All Things,"a fifteen-minute Gospel broadcast each Friday via WWCR on World Band/Short-Wave radio at 3.215 MHz (3215 KHz) at 2115 Hours (9:15 PM) U.S. Central Time. The goal is to exalt Christ JESUS; to encourage His people and to warn all hands to flee to Him immediately.

This can also be heard online by going to a few minutes prior to the broadcast. Click on "Listen Online." Then you'll see "WWCR-1," underneath that choose either Windows Media Player or MP3 player. Cheers, friends.


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