Christ's people are sealed!

"Set me as a seal upon Thine heart, as a seal upon Thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame." -Song of Solomon 8:6 [KJV]

My soul, is this the language of thine heart to Jesus? Yes, it is. Can any desire to be nearer Christ than thee? Can any long more to be worn as a signet upon His arm, and to lay nearer His heart than thee? And can any desire more than thou dost, to be sealed with His Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption?  

Surely, my soul, thou longest earnestly for these precious things, that that arm of Jesus, on which thou wouldest be set as a seal, may be ever clasping thee; and that heart of thy Redeemer's upon which thou art engraven, as the high priest bore the names of the people of Israel, may be always folding thee, and hearing both thy person and thy wants before the throne, and thus unceasing fellowship may abound with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.  

And canst thou not say, as the church did to Jesus, "For love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave?" For as death conquers all, and the grave admits of no rival, so thy love to Jesus, which He hath planted in thine heart hath conquered thee; and no rival, no partner, can divide the throne of thine heart with Jesus? Every thing in thee concerning Jesus, is as though on fire; and all the flames of thine affection burn with this language, "Whom have I in heaven but Thee; and there, is none upon earth I desire besides Thee. My flesh and my heart faileth; Thou art the strength of my heart, and Thou art my portion for ever."  

But pause, my soul, is there not somewhat, in those precious words of the morning, in which Jesus may be supposed to say the same to thee? Surely, my soul, if thou love Him, it is because He first loved thee! And if the real cry of thine heart is to be set as a seal upon His heart, and upon His arm, depend upon it, it is because He hath been before hand with thee in both. Precious Redeemer! And dost Thou indeed bid me set Thee in my heart, and on my arm?  

Lord Jesus, I would wear Thee in my heart. I would never, never suffer Thee to depart from my arms. I would feel Thee inward, manifest Thee by every outward testimony; and as seals upon the arm and upon the breast are in sight, so would I set Thee always before me, and tell the whole earth whose I am, and whom I love; that whither Thou goest I would go, and where Thou dwellest I would dwell: for I am no longer my own, but am bought with a price; therefore I would glorify God in my body, and in my spirit, which are His. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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