Christ JESUS, our exceeding Great Reward!

"Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand riches and honour." -Proverbs 3:16 [KJV]

What is sweetly said of Jesus in one scripture, as the Glory-wisdom, is as sweetly sung in another scripture, as the husband of His church and people. Yes, Lord, Thy right-hand blessings may well be called length of days, for they are life itself, even life everlasting in Thee: and Thy left-hand mercies, which include all temporal good, may well merit the name of riches and honour, for Thou givest to all that love Thee to inherit substance, and Thou fillest all their treasures.  

There is no substance in any, nothing satisfying, nothing substantial, where Thou art not. Why then, blessed Jesus, if these things be so, I would say to Thee, as the church of old did, "Put Thy left hand under my head, and let Thy right hand embrace me." This will make every thing sweet, and every thing precious. Even Thy left-hand blessings, in the sanctified use of afflictions, sorrow, bereaving providences, sickness, and the like, even these, being Jesus's appointments, will bring with them Jesus's blessing; and while Thine hand is under my head, how shall these, or aught else, separate me from Thee?  

And concerning Thy right-hand blessings, in the pardon of my sins, washing me in Thy blood, clothing me with Thy righteousness, justifying me with Thy salvation, feeding me, sustaining me, leading me, comforting me, bringing me on, and bringing me through, and by and by bringing me home to glory; that, where Thou art, there I shall be also. Oh, precious Jesus, grant me in this sweet sense to know Thee, and to enjoy Thee, in every thing; for sure I am, that "riches and honour are with Thee, yea, durable riches and righteousness." 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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