The Receipt!

Who was raised again for our justification (Romans 4:25).

Do you ever have doubts and fears about whether Jesus has saved you? You are not sure if His blood has paid for you? If so, you can do no better than to look at the receipt!
The receipt? …
What is the receipt? …
Is the receipt the blood of Christ? …
No, the blood is not the receipt. The blood was vital. It was the currency used to pay our ransom, but it is not the receipt!

So, what then is the receipt?
The receipt is THE RISEN CHRIST.
God has raised Him for (because of) our justification. This does not mean that His resurrection justifies us. No indeed! He was raised, not to justify us, but because we were already justified by His saving acts at the cross.

Romans 5:9 tells us the we were justified by His blood. Because of Christ’s work
for us, we were given a new standing before God. His resurrection is proof positive that the debt we owed has been paid in full! It is the receipt.

I like what Barnhouse says, “It was our merited condemnation that caused His death, and it was our accomplished justification that caused His resurrection”
[Barnhouse: Romans: Cpt 37: Delivered and Raised].

Christ Jesus came into the world to save His people. He undertook to pay the penalty earned by our sins; He endured the wrath of God. He died the death and sustained the judgment we His people deserved. He died not merely 
for us, He also died instead of us. God’s Lamb took our sins and suffered as the innocent substitute—the just for the unjust—that He might bring us to God (1 Peter 3:18).

His blood was that which paid our debt; but His resurrection and exaltation declared that the Father is satisfied that the debt has been paid. The resurrection was the receipt that the account had been settled.

The resurrection validated every claim Jesus ever made about Himself. He is God in human flesh, the Way the Truth and the Life. The resurrection confirms these and all other claims He made (see John 8:56–59; Exodus 3:14; John 5:18; John 14:6; John 14:9).

Christ was raised from the dead and then ascended to heaven. We also will be raised from the dead, (should we die before the Lord returns).
On what basis will we be raised from the dead? Because we have been good? No! It is because the Father is entirely satisfied with Jesus. He sees us in Jesus and all of Christ’s accomplishments and perfections are reckoned as ours.

Jesus arose,
Jesus ascended,
Jesus is seated in cosmic authority.
What an amazing receipt!
His resurrection, ascension and glorification can neither lie, nor change.

“The everlasting God
In time a babe was born;
The lowly Jesus, Son of Man,
In woe, in want, and scorn.
What works of love, what words of grace,
He heralded afar;
And then He bled for sinful men,
A dying Conqueror.

Now exalted on the throne of God,
In majesty and might,
His name the sinner's joyful plea,
The Father's full delight.
Messiah, Lord, the Saviour-God,
The Bright and Morning Star;
Oh, tell His triumph and His fame,
The Risen Conqueror.”

We have our receipt!
Not only has Christ’s work of atonement been accepted by the Father, but Christ Himself has also been accepted. This is witnessed in His ascension and glorification (1 Timothy 3:16). God has seated Him in the highest place in heaven—at His own right hand, (
the term for the place of ultimate authority). See Ephesians 1:20-22; Philippians 2:9-11; Colossians 3:1. He is there now as a glorified Man with all the favour and majesty of God resting on Him.

What a wonderful receipt!

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

-preacher D. G. Miles McKee

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