Rejoice - Jesus Christ Saves Sinners!

Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” -JOHN 8:11 [KJV]

Jesus faced a dilemma - “Master, this woman was taken in adultery… Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest Thou?[vss. 4-5]. If Jesus condemned her, He agreed with the Pharisees losing His distinctiveness and violating Roman law. If He extended mercy, He violated Moses’ Law, being condemned by the people.

Jesus honored the Law - “
But Jesus stooped down, and with His finger wrote on the ground… again He stooped down, and wrote on the ground” [vss. 6, 8]. What did Jesus write? The Ten Commandments were given twice, written with “the finger of God[EXODUS 31:18]. Jesus wrote the Commandments in Hebrew, shocking them that an unlearned carpenter from Nazareth had such knowledge.

Jesus showed Himself to be the Mercy-Seat - “
Where are those thine accusers …neither do I condemn thee…[vss. 10-11]. The second writing went into the Ark of the Covenant being covered with the mercy-seat. Annually, sacrificial blood was sprinkled upon the mercy-seat, symbolizing God looking at the blood-covering rather than sin. This typified Christ’s blood, which satisfied the law, ratified mercy and sanctified God’s people.

Jesus showed Himself to be the High Priest - “
Jesus was left alone… standing …Jesus…saw none but the woman[vss. 9-10]. Yearly, and alone, the high priest entered into the place of the mercy-seat, as “alone” Jesus went to the cross then to right hand of the Father as mediator. As Jesus’ eye was singularly upon this helpless sinner - “none but the woman” He went to the cross for the elect. God accepted Jesus’ obedience as righteousness. At the cross, God imputed righteousness to His elect; thus in sovereignty, God forgave and justified them. Saying, “go, and sin no more” is the essence of the effectual call of grace.

-Gospel report by preacher David Simpson


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