No Spot in Thee!

By faith I hear from Christ’s own mouth,
His Word and Spirit speak to me;
And say to my poor wretched soul,
“My love, there is no spot in thee.”
No spot in me, all truly gone?
No spot in me can justice find?
No spot in me, sin put away?
No flaw that holiness can mind?

No spot in me, an Adam child?
No spot in me, tis all I see!
Could His own blood such cleansing make?
Each blemish wash there on the tree?
No spot in me, all truly gone?
No spot in me can justice find?
No spot in me, sin put away?
No flaw that holiness can mind?

“No spot in thee, O lovely Bride
No spot in thee, though often tried,
My comeliness, your beauty is
Which I put on you when I died.”
What wondrous words for me to hear!
“All fair” and shall forever be!
For it is God the Son who says,
“My love, there is no spot in thee!”

-Words by Gary Shepard
Tune: Sweet Hour of Prayer (W. B. Bradbury)


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