Christ Secured Everlasting Peace through His Blood!

"Now once in the end of the world hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself." -HEBREWS 9:26 [KJV]
We have put before us a very plain summary of the way the Lord Jesus Christ came to accomplish salvation for His chosen people. Make no mistake, what He came to do He successfully accomplished [MATTHEW 1:21]. What He suffered for He obtained [HEBREWS 9:26]. What He meant to do on the cross He actually did, He did not die in vain. Christ Jesus did not die to make salvation a possibility nor to make all mankind savable; He died to purchase and secure the everlasting salvation of His church [JOHN 10:15]. It would be traitorous to His person, dishonorable to the gospel of Jesus Christ, contrary to plain testimony of scripture, to suppose or suggest that He failed in His high priestly work [HEBREWS 2:17; ISAIAH 42:4; 53:11]. Let us carefully consider four things that this text declares.

1). The sin problem presented. Sin is a very little word, but it contains big problems. Sin is transgression against God [PSALM 51:4]. Sin is infinitely and horribly an evil thing, because it denies God's right to be God [JOHN 19:15]. Sin is in every one of us by nature [ROMANS 8:7], we are all defiled with it and we have all committed it [ROMANS 3:23; I JOHN 1:8]. Sin is very difficult to put away. All the Jewish sacrifices never put away sin [HEBREWS 10:1-4]. All my repentance and sorrow over sin cannot put sin away. Sin deserves punishment [EZEKIEL 18:4].

2). The solution revealed, "He hath appeared." This is what gives the guilty sinner comfort and hope. God Himself appeared in the flesh to take care of my sin problem [I TIMOTHY 3:16]. It is Who He is that gives merit and power to what He did [GALATIANS 4:4]. Had anyone else appeared to put a way sin but God, it could never have been accomplished. However with God all things are possible.

3). The sacrifice described, "By the sacrifice of Himself." Jesus Christ did not come to put away sin by example or by teaching, but rather by sacrifice; the sacrifice of Himself [EPHESIANS 5:2]. His whole person was involved in this great sacrifice; His blood [REVELATION 1:5], His body [I PETER 2:24], and His soul [ISAIAH 53:10].

4). The success declared, "to put away sin." Jesus Christ made complete and full atonement for all the sin of God's people [HEBREWS 10:10-17]. He stood as their Substitute [I PETER 3:18], bearing the sin of His people [II CORINTHIANS 5:21], shouldering their guilt, enduring their punishment [ISAIAH 53:4-6] and in doing so satisfied God's law and justice. HE BROUGHT IN EVERLASTING PEACE THROUGH HIS BLOOD [COLOSSIANS 1:20]; THERE IS NOW NO CONDEMNATION TO THOSE IN CHRIST JESUS [ROMANS 8:1].

-Gospel report by preacher Tom Harding

Zebulon Grace church of Pikeville, Kentucky USA

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