The Deceitfulness of Sin

Happiness, contentment, joy, rest and peace surely are sweet words, and things which all men and women desire and seek after to some degree. It is amazing how Satan, through the deceitfulness of sin, keeps men and women pursuing vanities and lies in their quest for these coveted qualities of life; and thinking them to always lie just ahead… a few more years… just a little longer now, etc.

Many young folk expect to find this quality of life merely by growing up and becoming their own bosses. Many parents expect to find it when their children are grown up, settled and provided for. Many businessmen expect to find it when they can retire and travel, fish, hunt, etc. The inordinately ambitious man expects to find it when he has gained power and reputation. The covetous man expects to find it by gaining enough money to satisfy his greed. The lover of pleasures expects to find it when he has experienced his fill of earthly games and entertainments. The sickly man expects to find it when his health improves. The student expects to find it when he has acquired more diplomas. The religious man expects to find it in his own righteousness. It is just ahead…just around the next corner…I’ll be there soon…but they never make it!

The believing sinner, regardless of vocation, social status or circumstances, has found the only source of true and lasting contentment, rest, peace, joy and happiness. Personal faith in the Sovereign Redeemer is the only source. Augustine said long ago, “The soul of man will never rest till it comes to rest in Him who made it.” Our Lord JESUS said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you;” meaning houses, land, food, clothing, etc [see MATTHEW 6:25-34).

-Gospel report by preacher Maurice Montgomery

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